September 21 is the world Alzheimer's day. On average, one person will get sick every three seconds in the world. There will be more than 50 million people suffering from Alzheimer's disease in 2018. If effective strategies are not implemented, 152 million people will get sick by 2050.
What's more, the disease is getting younger.Some patients are over 30 years old, the main reason is that people's sleep quality is not good.
1. 减少环境的干扰;
Reduce environmental interference
2. 说话时要面对面、眼睛平时他们,不要惊吓患者;
Face to face and eyes when speaking. Don't frighten the patients
3. 运用手势、图片、身体姿势等交流,方便他们理解;
Use gestures, pictures, body posture and other communication to facilitate their understanding
4. 提供是非题:例如:吃饭或者吃面;
Provide yes no questions: for example: eat or eat noodles
5. 说话语速减慢,声音小声;
Provide yes no questions: for example: eat or eat noodles
6. 复杂的事情简单化,并引导与鼓励;
Simplify complex things, guide and encourage them
7. 耐心地重复信息;
Repeat information patiently
8. 鼓励患者表达自己的想法;
Encourage patients to express their ideas
9. 给足够的时间让他们表达;
Give them enough time to express
10. 说“可以”“不可以”避免争吵。
Say "yes" and "no" to avoid quarrel