欢迎关注【M实事摘要】,这是一则立足中国放眼全球的AI和无人驾驶汽车(SDC)的实事简报(Newsletter)。每日更新 | 点击关注: 【M实事摘要】
1) Oakland County seeking company to develop autonomous vehicle pilot program aiming to ...
The Daily Tribune
28, which seeks bids from businesses, either individually or as a group, to develop a program, which will focus on autonomous vehicle infrastructure and technology, and create a system of short-range communication that can be easily adopted throughout the United States and other jurisdictions.
2) 128-laser LiDAR sensor significantly sharpens autonomous cars' vision
New Atlas
Velodyne LiDAR developed and patented the world's first 3D real-time rotating LiDAR sensor for advanced automotive safety applications in 2005. Its first application was during the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Grand Challenge that year, in which autonomous vehicles ...

3) Towards Navigation Safety for Autonomous Cars
Inside GNSS
Each of these technologies brings cars closer to the ultimate goal of fully autonomous operation. While it is still unclear, if and when safe, driverless cars will be released on the mass market, a comparison with the development of aircraft autopilot systems can provide valuable insight. This review article ...

4) 马云致敬300万快递员AI大数据担纲幕后英雄
物流业今天的峰值就是明天的常态,双11的物流就是未来每天10亿包裹解决方案的探索和尝试”,菜鸟网络总裁万霖预计。 一直以来,物流就是电商行业除交易额外最关注的聚焦点,堪称电商 ... 中国有30万左右物流企业,大部分快运企业没有管理系统。在货运承运层面,未来长期发展方向将是新能源和无人驾驶。
5) 李彦宏乌镇演讲:有了无人驾驶,人们可以坐在车里喝酒
而且不仅仅是超市这个领域,金融、房产、教育、医疗、能源、物流等等,每一个方面人工智能都有非常多的应用,李彦宏还以家乡山西的煤矿举例,现在煤矿里面的传感器已经布得非常的多,非常的 ... 昨天晚上,大家一起喝酒,就谈到了无人驾驶,大家给我出主意,说百度应该做一个广告,画面就是坐在车里喝酒。
6) 聚焦第四届世界互联网大会,新零售就该这么玩!
一直以来致力于科技创新与服务突破的京东也通过“无人机”“无人车”“无人仓”共同构成的“智慧物流”场景,带领广大参展嘉宾和观众一同感受了“互联网+物流”时代的全新生活体验,打造零售行业中不可或缺的一大环节。作为智慧零售核心发动机的智慧物流,为零售行业铺下高速公路,让线上线下融合的全渠道流通 ...
7) Please Enjoy This Wild Tweet From A Self-Driving Car Engineer
In any case, this guy clearly has the right idea that there are tons and tons and tons and tons of unqualified drivers out there shooting down our nation's roads in two-ton death machines. As a system, that's not ideal. But there's a lot that humans still do right behind the wheel. You might be waiting a while ...
8) Autonomous is not Anonymous – Self-Driving Cars
The Suburban Times
From a fantastic meal to a fantastic show, self-driving cars make an evening out easier . . . and there is no one to tip except for the food, of course.
9) Self-driving cars will not be Nashville's transit savior
The Tennessean
The assertion that autonomous vehicles are in practical operation is wrong. “Autonomous” vehicles being tested today in real urban environments require human drivers to continuously intervene. Sober estimates of truly driverless vehicle operation in cities range from a sunny 2025 for taxi-like fleets on ...
10) Prisma adds to its armoury, integrating GagBot's AI meme-generator
Now Prisma — the photo-editing application that utilizes a neural network and AI to give artistic effect to an image — has integrated a startup's AI to ...
11) The Rise Of Conversational AI
Fueled by free platforms such as Facebook's Wit.ai acquisition and others, developers and brands alike raced to jump on the post-app-fatigue bandwagon. Now, less than two years later, 100,000 bots litter the Facebook messenger landscape. While the effort brought focus and media glare, it's safe to ...
12) Google Has Released an AI Tool That Makes Sense of Your Genome
MIT Technology Review
Chapman worked with researchers from the Google Brain team, a group that focuses on developing and applying AI techniques; Verily, another Alphabet subsidiary that is focused on the life sciences; and Andrew Carroll, vice president of DNAnexus, a cloud platform for the storage of genomic data.
北京时间17/12/05 每日更新 | 点击关注: 【M实事摘要】
