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推酷《Guru Weekly》第二十二期

推酷《Guru Weekly》第二十二期

作者: 推酷 | 来源:发表于2016-04-13 12:11 被阅读56次

    推酷诚意满满的英文技术周刊《Guru Weekly》, 下面是内容列表,干货多多,也可以移步到官网进一步阅读


    1. Future CSS

    2. Getting Started with CSS Modules

    3. Better Node with ES6, Pt. I

    4. 5 Things You Should Know About CSS Specificity

    5. Aligning Text Smartly in CSS

    6. Building realtime applications with CycleJS and RxJS

    7. Webpack — The Confusing Parts


    1. Issue #200

    2. JavaScriptCore Tutorial for iOS: Getting Started

    3. Swift Tutorial: Initialization In Depth, Part 1/2

    4. Rendering React without browser JavaScript

    5. Tutorial: Build a Redux Powered React Application


    1. Handling Intensive Tasks with Laravel

    2. Golang constant errors

    3. Erlang 19.0 Garbage Collector

    4. C++ I/O Benchmark

    5. Practical Golang: Writing a simple login middleware

    6. Why Erlang Matters

    7. Why rails sucks


    1. Seriate: The Glue Between SQL Server and Node.js

    2. Analyzing the Panama Papers with Neo4j: Data Models, Queries & More

    3. PostgreSQL Bloat: origins, monitoring and managing

    4. Un-spoken complexity of NoSQL


    1. Using redis as a task queue

    2. What Starbucks can teach us about software scalability

    3. Creating a Heavy-Duty Balancer with Nginx and Lua


    1. How V8 optimises JavaScript code?

    2. Managing Machines at Spotify

    3. Code Reviews: why and how?

    4. Linux Programming - threading basics

    5. Why I left Unity

    6. Building Pinterest's A/B testing platform


    1. Tiny JS library for beautiful drawing and handwriting on the HTML Canvas

    2. Effeckt.css – Performant CSS transitions and animations

    3. Free and beautiful angular bootstrap admin template

    4. Ramda: A practical functional library for JavaScript programmers

    5. Responsive CSS Grid

    6. Elassandra = Cassandra and Elasticsearch

    7. Design React UI outside your app



        本文标题:推酷《Guru Weekly》第二十二期
