外刊阅读:Smart pills keep patients f

外刊阅读:Smart pills keep patients f

作者: 爱英语爱阅读 | 来源:发表于2019-06-28 16:11 被阅读3次


Smart pills keep patients from forgetting

by Angel Au-Yeung

Only 25% to 50% of patients worldwide take medications correctly, and in the U.S., roughly 125,000 people die annually from not correctly taking their prescriptions, according to a 2018 study led by Leah Zullig, a health services researcher at the Duke University School of Medicine. Failure to take prescribed medicines also increases costs to the healthcare system, by about $300 billion annually, Zullig estimates.

worldwide /wɜːldˈwaɪd/ adv. 世界范围内
medication /ˌmedɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 药物
roughly /ˈrʌfli/ adv. 大约
annually /ˈænjuəli/ adv. 每年(由annual加后缀-ly变成副词)
prescription /prɪˈskrɪpʃ(ə)n/ n. 处方、处方上的药
researcher /rɪˈsɜːtʃə(r)/ n. 研究者(由research加上表示人的后缀-er)
medicine /ˈmedɪs(ə)n/ n. 医学
failure /ˈfeɪljə(r)/ n. 未做某事
prescribe /prɪˈskraɪb/ v. 开处方、开药
medicine /ˈmedɪs(ə)n/ n. 药
healthcare /ˈhelθkeə(r)/ n. 医疗卫生
billion /ˈbɪljən/ n. 十亿
estimate /ˈestɪmeɪt/ v. 估计、估算

For the most part, the responsibility has been in the hands of the patient. Think pill boxes marked with the days of the week, or their high-tech versionsapps that help users self-report their own intake and schedules.

for the most part 大多数情况下
responsibility /rɪˌspɒnsɪˈbɪləti/ n. 责任
in the hands of someone 属于某人
pill /pɪl/ n. 药片
mark /mɑːk/ v. 标记
version /ˈvɜːʃ(ə)n/ n. 版本、变化形式
app /æp/ n. (手机上的)应用程序
intake /ˈɪnteɪk/ n. 摄入量(这里指吃药的量)
schedule /ˈʃedʒuːl/ n. 时间表、时间安排

These reminder devices don't go far enough, say some doctors, because they fail to address a very human fault that patients report as their primary reason for not taking their medication: forgetfulness.

reminder /rɪˈmaɪndə(r)/ n. 起提醒作用的东西(由remind加上表示人或物的后缀-er)
device /dɪˈvaɪs/ n. 设备
fail /feɪl/ v. 失败、没做到
address /əˈdres/ v. 应对、处理
fault /fɒlt/ n. 弱点、缺点
primary /ˈpraɪm(ə)ri/ adj. 主要的
forgetfulness /fəˈɡetf(ə)lnəs/ n. 遗忘(由forget加后缀-ful变成形容词forgetful;再加后缀-ness变成名词)

Proteus Digital Health, a Redwood City, California-based tech health startup, hopes to solve the problem. Founded in 2004 by Andrew Thompson and Dr. George Savage, the company makes a 1-millimeter sensor – "the size of a poppy seed or grain of sand," says Thompson – that is embedded in medications, which are then swallowed.

California /ˌkælɪˈfɔːniə/ n. 加利福尼亚州(美国西部的州)
-based /beɪst/ 后缀,意思是“总部在某地的”
startup /ˈstɑːtʌp/ n. 初创公司(由start和up组成)
found /faʊnd/ v. 创办
millimeter /ˈmɪlɪˌmiːtə(r)/ n. 毫米(前缀milli-表示千分之一)
sensor /ˈsensə(r)/ n. 传感器
poppy /ˈpɒpi/ n. 罂粟科植物
seed /siːd/ n. 种子
grain /ɡreɪn/ n. 小颗粒
embed /ɪmˈbed/ v. 嵌入
swallow /ˈswɒləʊ/ v. 吞咽

The sensor, made of "elements found in a typical diet," including magnesium(镁) and copper, says Thompson, will turn on when it contacts a patient's stomach acid. It then sends a signal to a palm-size patch that patients wear on their skin. The patch, which also tracks physiological signs like steps, rest and heart rate, then sends information to a smartphone app for patients and a desktop browser portal that doctors use.

element /ˈelɪmənt/ n. 化学元素
copper /ˈkɒpə(r)/ n. 铜
contact /ˈkɒntækt/ v. 接触
acid /ˈæsɪd/ n. 酸
signal /ˈsɪɡn(ə)l/ n. 信号
palm /pɑːm/ n. 手掌
patch /pætʃ/ n. 贴在皮肤上的贴片(类似于膏药)
track /træk/ v. 跟踪(指连续记录数据)
physiological /ˌfɪziəˈlɒdʒɪk(ə)l/ adj. 生理的(physiological sign指生理指标)
step /step/ n. 一步(steps指走了多少步)
rate /reɪt/ n. 率、速率
desktop /ˈdesktɒp/ adj. 桌面的(由desk和top组成)
browser /ˈbraʊzə(r)/ n. 浏览器
portal /ˈpɔːt(ə)l/ n. 门户(这里指网站)

In 2017, the FDA approved an antipsychotic(治疗精神病的) drug with Proteus technology, the agency's first-ever approval for a medicine with digital ingestion tracking system. Abilify MyCite, the drug made with Tokyo-based Otsuka Pharmaceutical, treats schizophrenia(精神分裂症), bipolar disorder, depression and Tourette syndrome. More than 1,000 patients have used the pill-tracking system, amounting to 195,000 pill ingestions, says the company.

FDA 美国食品和药品管理局
approve /əˈpruːv/ v. 批准
drug /drʌɡ/ n. 药物
agency /ˈeɪdʒ(ə)nsi/ n. 政府机构
approval /əˈpruːv(ə)l/ n. 批准(由approve加后缀-al变成名词)
ingestion /ɪnˈdʒestʃ(ə)n/ n. 摄入、服用
Tokyo /ˈtəʊkiəʊ/ n. 东京(日本首都)
treat /triːt/ v. 治疗
bipolar /baɪˈpəʊlə(r)/ disorder /dɪˈsɔːdə(r)/ 狂躁抑郁双相型精神障碍
depression /dɪˈpreʃ(ə)n/ n. 抑郁症
syndrome /ˈsɪndrəʊm/ n. 综合症(前面往往冠以人名,称为某某氏综合症)
amount to 合计、共计

But there is the matter of consumer hesitance about swallowing hardware that records private activity. While these inventions are meant to help patients, the monitoring aspect has raised privacy concerns from consumer advocates who worry that the information will eventually be shared not just with doctors but with insurers who want to raise premiums or even employers who want to know what drugs a job candidate is taking.

consumer /kənˈsjuːmə(r)/ n. 消费者
hesitance /ˈhezɪt(ə)ns/ n. 犹豫、迟疑
hardware /ˈhɑːdweə(r)/ n. 硬件
activity /ækˈtɪvəti/ n. 活动
monitor /ˈmɒnɪtə(r)/ v. 监控
aspect /ˈæspekt/ n. 方面、层面
raise /reɪz/ v. 引起、使出现
privacy /ˈprɪvəsi/ n. 隐私
concern /kənˈsɜːn/ n. 担心、担忧
advocate /ˈædvəkət/ n. 倡导者、支持者
eventually /ɪˈventʃuəli/ adv. 最终
insurer /ɪnˈʃʊərə(r)/ n. 保险公司
raise /reɪz/ v. 增加、提高
premium /ˈpriːmiəm/ n. 保险费
employer /ɪmˈplɔɪə(r)/ n. 雇主、用人单位(由employ加上表示人的后缀-er)
candidate /ˈkændɪdət/ n. 候选人、求职者

"Security of the data is very important, but in medicine, privacy can be lethal," Thompson argues.★ He says that the main issue is not so much privacy but whether companies make it clear to patients where their data is going. "People are happy to share information and data if they know and understand exactly what it is being used for."

security /sɪˈkjʊərəti/ n. 安全保卫
data /ˈdeɪtə/ n. 数据
lethal /ˈliːθ(ə)l/ adj. 致命的、致死的
argue /ˈɑːɡjuː/ v. 极力主张




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