#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
import os
import re
from openpyxl import Workbook
from openpyxl.styles import Alignment
from openpyxl.styles import Font
import time
# 遍历指定目录,显示目录下的所有文件名
def eachFile():
path = os.getcwd()
files = os.listdir(path)
print('文件:', files)
datas = {}
data_appid = {}
for file in files:
if not file.startswith('log.'):
# print(file, 'is not log file')
data_file = {}
with open(file, 'r') as logfile:
lines = logfile.readlines()
for line in lines:
result = re.split(r'[\t]', line)
body_bytes = int(result[6])
body_gb = round(body_bytes/1024/1024/1024, 5)
status_http = int(result[7])
cmd = result[11]
device_info = result[14]
appid = result[15]
if (status_http == 200) and ((cmd == 'Upload') or (cmd == 'UploadSlice')) and (len(appid) != 0):
if (((device_info.find('#iOS#') != -1) or (device_info.find('#android#') != -1)) and device_info.endswith('###')):
# 单个文件数据
if appid in data_file:
data_file[appid] = data_file[appid] + body_gb
data_file[appid] = body_gb
# 所有文件数据
if appid in data_appid:
data_appid[appid] = data_appid[appid] + body_gb
data_appid[appid] = body_gb
print('AppId:', appid, ' Size:', body_gb, ' Cmd:', cmd, ' DeviceInfo:', device_info)
if len(data_file) != 0:
# print('\n\nfile appid is:\n\n', data_file)
# 使用sum()函数求和
file_gb = sum(value for value in data_file.values() if isinstance(value, float))
print(file,'文件大小是:', file_gb, 'GB')
datas[file] = file_gb
if len(datas) != 0:
print('\n\nfile is:\n\n', datas)
# 使用sum()函数求和
total_gb = sum(value for value in datas.values() if isinstance(value, float))
print('\n\n文件总大小是:', total_gb, 'GB')
if len(data_appid) != 0:
print('\n\nappid is:\n\n', data_appid)
bizs = readBizFile()
saveExcel(data_appid, total_gb, bizs)
def saveExcel(data, size, bizs):
# 新建一个工作簿
wb = Workbook()
# 选择一个工作表
ws = wb.active
ws.title = 'wos-sdk-log'
ws.column_dimensions['A'].width = 20
ws.column_dimensions['B'].width = 25
ws.column_dimensions['C'].width = 25
ws.column_dimensions['D'].width = 15
ws.column_dimensions['E'].width = 30
# 设置第1行高度为30
ws.row_dimensions[1].height = 30
font = Font(
name='微软雅黑', # 字体
size=14, # 字体大小
color='000000', # 字体颜色,用16进制rgb表示
bold=True, # 是否加粗,True/False
italic=False, # 是否斜体,True/False
strike=None, # 是否使用删除线,True/False
underline=None, # 下划线, 可选'singleAccounting', 'double', 'single', 'doubleAccounting'
font_body = Font(
name='微软雅黑', # 字体
size=12, # 字体大小
color='000000', # 字体颜色,用16进制rgb表示
bold=False, # 是否加粗,True/False
italic=False, # 是否斜体,True/False
strike=None, # 是否使用删除线,True/False
underline=None, # 下划线, 可选'singleAccounting', 'double', 'single', 'doubleAccounting'
align = Alignment(horizontal='center', vertical='center')
titles = { 'A1' : 'AppId', 'B1': 'Name', 'C1': 'BizName', 'D1': 'Size(GB)', 'E1': '描述'}
for k, v in titles.items():
ws[k] = v
ws[k].font = font
ws[k].alignment = align
# 第一列
keys = list(data.keys())
keys_len = len(keys)
for i in range(0, keys_len):
idx = 2 + i
# 第一行高度
ws.row_dimensions[idx].height = 25
key = keys[i]
ws['A' + str(idx)] = key
ws['A' + str(idx)].font = font_body
data_biz = bizs[key]
len_data_biz = len(data_biz)
if len_data_biz == 0:
# name
if len_data_biz > 1:
biz_name = data_biz[1]
ws['B' + str(idx)] = biz_name
ws['B' + str(idx)].font = font_body
# biz_name
if len_data_biz > 2:
biz_name = data_biz[2]
ws['C' + str(idx)] = biz_name
ws['C' + str(idx)].font = font_body
# 描述
if len_data_biz > 5:
biz_name = data_biz[5]
ws['E' + str(idx)] = biz_name
ws['E' + str(idx)].font = font_body
# Size
values = list(data.values())
for i in range(0, len(values)):
idx = 2 + i
ws['D' + str(idx)] = values[i]
ws['D' + str(idx)].font = font
# ws['D' + str(idx)].alignment = align
# 最后一行
ws.append(['', '', '总大小:', size])
last_len = 2 + keys_len
ws.row_dimensions[last_len].height = 30
ws['C' + str(last_len)].font = font
ws['D' + str(last_len)].font = font
ws['C' + str(last_len)].alignment = align
# ws['D' + str(last_len)].alignment = align
datetime = time.strftime("%Y.%m.%d.%H.%M", time.localtime())
# 保存工作簿
wb.save('wos-log-%s.xlsx' %(datetime))
def readBizFile():
data_biz = {}
with open('wos.txt', 'r') as logfile:
lines = logfile.readlines()
for line in lines:
result = re.split(r'[\t]', line)
data_biz[result[0]] = result
return data_biz
if __name__ == '__main__':