Total iron and nonheme iron intake was associated with diabetes risk, following a reverse J-shaped curve in men and an L-shaped curve in women

Multivariable-adjusted restricted cubic spline analyses suggested “J-shaped” associations of glycemic markers with CVD, cancer, and all-cause mortality. We found evidence of nonlinear associations of FPG and HbA1c with CVD, cancer, and all-cause mortality. The analyses also suggested significant nonlinear relationships between 2h-PG and both CVD and all-cause mortality, but not cancer. Evidence indicated a significant linear relationship between 2h-PG and cancer (P <0.001)

In figure 1, we used restricted cubic splines toflexibly model and visualize the relation of predictedfat mass and lean body mass with all cause mortalityin men. The risk of all cause mortality was relativelyflat until around 21 kg of predicted fat mass andthen started to increase rapidly afterwards (P for non-linearity <0.001). The average BMI for men with21 kg of predicted fat mass was 25. Above 21 kg, thehazard ratio per standard deviation higher predictedfat mass was 1.22 (1.18 to 1.26). Regarding the strongU shaped relation between predicted lean body massand all cause mortality, the plot showed a substantialreduction of the risk within the lower range of predictedlean body mass, which reached the lowest risk around56 kg and then increased thereafter (P for non-linearity<0.001). Below 56 kg, the hazard ratio per standard deviation higher predicted lean body mass was 0.87 (0.82 to 0.92).
