Peak 第一周小结

Peak 第一周小结

作者: Eliot2017 | 来源:发表于2017-08-06 19:37 被阅读0次

一 表达总结

1. hone:to make something perfect or completely suitable for its purpose磨练,磨砺;训练finely honed(=extremely well-developed) intuition极度发达的直觉

2. hit or miss:done in a way that is not planned or organized无计划(组织)的

3. ceiling:the largest number or amount of something that is officiallyallowed上限,最高限度

impose / set / put a ceiling (on sth)

4. in a nutshell:used when you are stating the main facts about something in a short, clear way一言以蔽之,简括地说,用一句话概括

5. desultory:done without any particular plan or purpose漫无目的的,毫无计划的,散漫的

6. pep talk: a short speech intended to encourage someone to work harder, win a game etc鼓舞士气的讲话,激励性讲话

7. body of:a large amount or mass of something, especially something that has been collected大量的某物

body of knowledge/evidence/opinion etc

二 summary

Peak: secrets from the new science of expertise is a book about learning methods. The chapter 1 and chapter 2 are the introductory parts which serve the function of introducing the concept "deliberate practice".

Chapter 1 cites some examples to illustrate that we are all talents if we practiced adequately. But this kind of practice is purposeful practice,not naive practice. Then the authors demonstrate four features of purposeful practice leading us to success. However, what is the basic principle of purposeful practice(deliberate practice)?

This basic principle is adaptability of our brains. Just as we do exercise to be muscular, so we can work our brains to improve  brains' structures and functions. How to work our brains? Deliberate practice! Therefore, chapter 2 lays the theoretical foundations for chapter 1.

三 中文感悟

我们非常羡慕生活中的一些“天才”,可天才都是因天赋异禀而成为天才吗?这本书在开头就告诉我们:当然不是。那凭借的是什么?是练习。是purposeful practice,进一步实现最终的目标deliberate practice。这与我们平常的naive practice有很大不同。




      本文标题:Peak 第一周小结
