

作者: 拉小登 | 来源:发表于2017-12-11 21:16 被阅读6次

    A: So I know that joint ventures are two companies joining forces for a time, but I'm still a little confused.

    B: Well, a joint venture is a business agreement, the parties agree to develop for a finite time, a new entity and new assets.

    A: Okay, but what do you mean by new entity, I don't understand business lingo.

    B: A new entity is basically a new business.

    A: So a joint venture is pretty much like the child of two different businesses, is that right?

    B: Yeah, That's an interesting way to look at it.Yeah I guess so. The parent companies have control over the new enterprise.

    A: I suppose the parent companies share all the responsibilities of the joint venture, They share the debt and the profits, right?

    B: That's correct, They share revenues, which is the amount of money that comes in. They share expenses and assets too.


    1. join force: 合作(书面语)
    2. finite time:限定的时间
    3. lingo: 语言,行话
    4. an interesting way to look at it: 这样理解很有意思
    5. enterprise: 企业
    6. debt: 债务
    7. profit: 利润
    8. revenue: 金额,收入
    9. expense: 费用,支出、开支



