Mr. About-the-Same-20220118

Mr. About-the-Same-20220118

作者: 阿球酱 | 来源:发表于2022-01-18 22:37 被阅读0次

    Do you know who is the most well-known person in China?

    The name of this person is a household word all over the country. His surname is Cha and his given name, Buduo, which together mean "About the Same". He is a native of every province, every county and every village in this country. You must have seen or heard about this person. His name is always on the lips of everybody because he is representative of the whole Chinese nation.

    Mr. Cha Buduo has the same physiognomy as you and I. He has a pair of eyes, but doesn't see clearly. He has a pair of ears, but doesn't hear well. He has a nose and a mouth, but lacks a keen sense of smell and taste. His brain is none too small, but he is weak in memory and sloppy in thinking.

    He often says, "Whatever we do, it's OK to be just about right. What's the use of being precise and accurate?"

    One day, when he was a child, his mother sent him out to buy her some brown sugar, but he returned with some white sugar instead. As his mother scolded him about it, he shook his head and said, "Brown sugar or white sugar, aren't they about the same?"

    One day in school, the teacher asked him, "Which province borders Hebei on the west?" He answered, "Shaanxi." The teacher corrected him, “You are wrong. It's Shanxi, not Shaanxi." He retorted, "Shaanxi or Shanxi, aren't they about the same?"

    Later Mr. Cha Buduo served as an assistant at a money shop. He could write and calculate all right, but his mathematics were often faulty. He would mistake the Chinese character 十 (meaning 10) for 千 (meaning 1,000) or vice versa. The shop owner was infuriated and often took him to task. But he would only explain apologetically with a grin, "The character 千 differs form 十 in merely having one additional short stroke. Aren't they about the same?"

    One day, he wanted to go to Shanghai by train on urgent business. But he arrived at the railway station unhurriedly only to find the train already gone, because he was two minutes late. He stood staring helplessly at the smoke belching from the diminishing strain, and shook his head, "Well, all I can do is leave tomorrow. After all, today and tomorrow are about the same. But isn't the railway company taking it too seriously? What's the difference between departing at 8:30 and 8:32?" He walked home slowly while taking to himself and kept puzzling over why the train hadn't waited for him for another two minutes.

    One day he suddenly fell ill and immediately told one of his family to fetch Dr. Wang of East Street. The latter went in a hurry, but could't find the physician on East Street. So he fetched instead Veterinarian Wang of West Street. Mr. Cha Buduo, lying on his sickbed, knew that a wrong person had been brought home. But, what with pain and worry, he could ill afford to wait any longer. So he said to himself, "Luckily, Vet Wang is about the same as Dr. Wang. Why not let Vet Wang have a try?" Thereupon, the veterinarian walked up to his bed to work on him as if he were a cow. Consequently, Mr. Cha Buduo kicked the bucket before an hour was out.

    When Mr. Cha Buduo was about to breathe his last, he uttered intermittently in one breath, "Live or die, it's about ... about ... the same ... Whatever we do ... it's OK ... to be ... just ... just about right ... Why ... why ... take it ... so seriously?" As soon as he finished this pet phrase of his, he stopped breathing.

    After Mr. Cha Buduo's death, people all praised him for his way of seeing through things and his philosophical approach to life. They say that he refused to take things seriously all his life and that he was never calculating or particular about personal gains or losses. So they called him a virtuous man and honored him with the posthumous reverent title Master of Easy-Going.

    His name has spread far and wide and become more and more celebrated with passing of time. Innumerable people have come to follow his example, so that everybody has become a Mr. Cha Buduo. But lo, China will hence be a nation of lazybones!

    surname n. 姓

    physiognomy n. (pl. -ies)容貌,相貌,面相

    sloppy a. 1.马虎的;凌乱的;草率的 Your work is sloppy. 2. 肥大而难看的 -SYN baggy- 3. 庸俗伤感的 a sloppy love story 4.太稀的 Don't make the mixture too sloppy.

    retort v. (生气或幽默地)反驳,回嘴 Sam retorted that it was my fault as much as him.

    infuriate v. 使极为生气;使大怒;激怒 - SYN enrage- Her silence infuriated him even more. -&- It infuriates me that she was not found guilty.

    apologetically adv. 道歉地 'I'm sorry I'm late,' he murmured apologetically.

    grin v. 露齿而笑;咧着嘴笑;粲然而笑 They grinned with delight when they heard our news. -&- He was grinning from ear to ear.

    belch v. 1.打嗝 -SYN burp- He wiped his hand across his mouth, then belched loudly. 2. ~ (out/forth) (sth) (大量)喷出,吐出 -SYN spew-

    veterinarian n. 兽医

    bucket n.1.(NAmE also pail) (有提梁的)桶 They were playing on the beach with their buckets and spades. 2.吊桶;水斗;(挖掘机的)铲斗 3. 一桶(的量) They used to drink tea by the bucket /bucketful. 4. buckets 大量 To succeed in show business, you need buckets of confidence. -&- We wept buckts. -&- He was sweating buckets by the end of the race. -&- The rain was coming down in buckets(= it was raining very heavily). IDIOMS- a drop in the ocean 沧海一粟;九牛一毛 kick the bucket 死;翘辫子;蹬腿儿 v. bucket down 下大雨 -SYN pour-

    intermittent a.断断续续的;间歇的 -SYN sporadic-intermittent bursts of applause一阵阵的掌声 intermittent showers阵雨

    philosophical a. 1.哲学的 2. philosophical (about sth) 达观的;处乱不惊的 -SYN stoic- He was philosophical about losing and said that he'd be back next year to try again.

    virtuous a. 1. 品行端正的;品德高的;有道德的 -SYN irreproachable- a wise and virtuous man. -&- She lived an entirely virtuous life. 2. 自命不凡的;自命清高的 He was feeling virtuous because he had finished and they hadn't.

    posthumous a. 死后发生(或做、出版等)的

    reverent a. 充满敬意的;深表崇敬的

    His surname is Cha and his given name, Buduo, which together mean "About the Same" :他姓差,名不多,which后为补充说明。

    he is weak in memory and sloppy in thinking:他的思想也不很细密,sloppy作无条理、凌乱解。

    money (exchange) shop:钱铺,钱庄,可译为private bank或banking house,不如money (exchange) shop确切。

    philosophical approach to life:想得通,达观,随遇而安。



          本文标题:Mr. About-the-Same-20220118
