

作者: 芷兮要吃巧克力 | 来源:发表于2020-07-18 23:07 被阅读0次

What Do These Different Heart Emojis Mean?
来源: https://www.dictionary.com

Love is complicated. And over text message, it can be particularly hard to express your feelings. That's where emoji can be helpful.
For every different kind of love, there's a different heart emoji. We've rounded up some emoji hearts, trying to break down what they represent.
❤️The red heart emoji is used in warm emotional contexts. It can be used to express gratitude, love, happiness, and the genuinely warm and fuzzy feelings associated with pleasure.
❤️ 红色的心形emoji适用于暖心的情境里。它可以用来表达感激、喜欢、幸福以及由衷的温馨而朦胧的愉悦心情。
The beating heart emoji is used to convey ideas or feelings of health and vitality ...because the heart is beating like the one inside your body.
The growing heart emoji shows a pink heart surrounded by the outlines of several slightly lighter-colored hearts, which suggests that the heart is expanding. It is used whenever someone wants to show an outpouring of love, joy, pride, or any strong, positive emotion.
The revolving hearts emoji depicts two tiny hearts spinning in a circle. It's used to express a very animated senses of love, affection, or joy as well as to show reciprocal love for another person or group.
The yellow heart emoji can convey love, but the color yellow can symbolize positivity and hope, which helps explain why this emoji may skew toward feelings of friendship as opposed to the romantic passion of a classic red heart.
<3, or the heart symbol, is a typographical representation of a heart, used to convey love and similar warm feelings and often evoking early Internet culture.
今日小彩蛋:每年7月17日为世界表情包日(World Emoji Day)。所以我应该昨天发这篇的...但是没翻译过来...


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