bbc 美食纪录片 with Rick

bbc 美食纪录片 with Rick

作者: Jennie的备考笔记 | 来源:发表于2017-08-15 22:47 被阅读0次

    grease-proof paper 吸油纸

    crockery n.cups, plates, dishes, etc made of baked clay 陶器, 瓦器(如杯﹑ 盘﹑ 碟等用黏土烧制的器皿)

    anchovy n.small fish of the herring family with a strong flavour 鯷: [attrib 作定语],anchovy `paste鯷鱼酱.

    matador n.bullfighter whose task is to fight and kill the bull 斗牛士

    a bygone era of male machoness 阳刚气概不再

    mackerel n.striped fish that lives in the sea and is eaten as food 鲭:a good catch of mackerel捕获的大量鲭鱼.

    Phoenician 腓尼基人

    Cafe con leche 牛奶咖啡

    churros 西班牙小油条

    palourdes 文蛤

    mantis shrimp 皮皮虾

    winkles 螺  murex 骨螺

    razor clams 蛏子

    moray eel 海鳝

    tuna sashimi 金枪鱼生鱼片

    sake 日本米酒

    elevenses n.(Brit infml口) snack and/or drink taken at about eleven o'clock in the morning 午前茶点(上午十一时左右吃的点心和[]喝的饮料).

    bar none 毫无例外,绝对的

    squid 鱿鱼,乌贼

    octopus 章鱼

    sheen n.gleaming brightness; shiny quality 光辉; 光彩; 光泽:

    the sheen of silk丝绸的光泽    *hair with a glossy golden sheen金灿灿的毛发.

    freshen up the wine 醒酒

    nutty adj.crazy or very strange:

    He had this nutty idea about buying a castle in Scotland.

    out of my depth 无能为力

    It is quite out of my depth because I am not an art historian. 艺术史学家

    value-added asset 附加项目

    The gallery is a value-added asset for visitors.

    pomegranate 石榴

    crucifix 十字架

    balcony 阳台

    reading glasses 老花镜

    ghetto 贫民窟

    tapas (西班牙)小吃

    chickpea 鹰嘴豆

    dogfish 狗鲨

    central headquartes 大本营

    paella 西班牙海鲜饭

    flamenco 弗拉门戈舞

    duende n.The ability to attract others through personal magnetism and charm. 魅力

    From my very first timid sip one far-off Christmas many years ago, it is part of me.



          本文标题:bbc 美食纪录片 with Rick
