1.1 Object类源码阅读笔记(java8)

作者: 先生zeng | 来源:发表于2019-06-03 15:46 被阅读1次


* Class {@code Object} is the root of the class hierarchy.
* Every class has {@code Object} as a superclass. All objects,
* including arrays, implement the methods of this class.
* @author  unascribed
* @see     java.lang.Class
* @since   JDK1.0
public class Object {


private static native void registerNatives();
    static {





public native int hashCode();


public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        return (this == obj);


     * Creates and returns a copy of this object.  The precise meaning
     * of "copy" may depend on the class of the object. The general
     * intent is that, for any object {@code x}, the expression:
     * <blockquote>
     * <pre>
     * x.clone() != x</pre></blockquote>
     * will be true, and that the expression:
     * <blockquote>
     * <pre>
     * x.clone().getClass() == x.getClass()</pre></blockquote>
     * will be {@code true}, but these are not absolute requirements.
     * While it is typically the case that:
     * <blockquote>
     * <pre>
     * x.clone().equals(x)</pre></blockquote>
     * will be {@code true}, this is not an absolute requirement.
     * <p>
     * By convention, the returned object should be obtained by calling
     * {@code super.clone}.  If a class and all of its superclasses (except
     * {@code Object}) obey this convention, it will be the case that
     * {@code x.clone().getClass() == x.getClass()}.
     * <p>
     * By convention, the object returned by this method should be independent
     * of this object (which is being cloned).  To achieve this independence,
     * it may be necessary to modify one or more fields of the object returned
     * by {@code super.clone} before returning it.  Typically, this means
     * copying any mutable objects that comprise the internal "deep structure"
     * of the object being cloned and replacing the references to these
     * objects with references to the copies.  If a class contains only
     * primitive fields or references to immutable objects, then it is usually
     * the case that no fields in the object returned by {@code super.clone}
     * need to be modified.
     * <p>
     * The method {@code clone} for class {@code Object} performs a
     * specific cloning operation. First, if the class of this object does
     * not implement the interface {@code Cloneable}, then a
     * {@code CloneNotSupportedException} is thrown. Note that all arrays
     * are considered to implement the interface {@code Cloneable} and that
     * the return type of the {@code clone} method of an array type {@code T[]}
     * is {@code T[]} where T is any reference or primitive type.
     * Otherwise, this method creates a new instance of the class of this
     * object and initializes all its fields with exactly the contents of
     * the corresponding fields of this object, as if by assignment; the
     * contents of the fields are not themselves cloned. Thus, this method
     * performs a "shallow copy" of this object, not a "deep copy" operation.
     * <p>
     * The class {@code Object} does not itself implement the interface
     * {@code Cloneable}, so calling the {@code clone} method on an object
     * whose class is {@code Object} will result in throwing an
     * exception at run time.
     * @return     a clone of this instance.
     * @throws  CloneNotSupportedException  if the object's class does not
     *               support the {@code Cloneable} interface. Subclasses
     *               that override the {@code clone} method can also
     *               throw this exception to indicate that an instance cannot
     *               be cloned.
     * @see java.lang.Cloneable
protected native Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException;

并且有以下的几种情况: 如果

  1. x.clone() != x 结果为true,那么表示x.clone().getClass() == x.getClass()为true
  2. x.clone().equals(x) 为true,这并不是绝对的。

如果对象的类不支持{@code Cloneable}接口。覆盖{@code clone}方法的子类也可以抛出此异常以指示无法克隆实例。并且需要注意,所有的1数组都有实现{@code Cloneable}接口。

public String toString() {
        return getClass().getName() + "@" + Integer.toHexString(hashCode());

返回对象的字符串表示形式。通常,* {@code toString}方法返回一个“文本表示”此对象的字符串。结果应该是一个简洁但信息丰富的表示,便于人阅读。 建议所有子类都覆盖此方法。该字符串由对象为实例的类的名称组成。at符号字符为`{@code @} ',对象的哈希码的无符号十六进制表示。换句话说,此方法返回一个等于*值的字符串。

public final native void notify();


public final native void notifyAll();



public final native void wait(long timeout) throws InterruptedException;
public final void wait(long timeout, int nanos) throws InterruptedException {
public final void wait() throws InterruptedException {


protected void finalize() throws Throwable { }

当垃圾收集*确定没有对该对象的更多引用时,由对象上的垃圾收集器调用。 子类重写{@code finalize}方法以处置系统资源或执行其他清理。




    本文标题:1.1 Object类源码阅读笔记(java8)
