
作者: 如果我名王玉珏 | 来源:发表于2018-07-21 00:34 被阅读1次

Attacking the Critic

Attacking the critic is the attempt to discredit an idea or argument by disparaging the person who expressed it. People typically resort to this error of reaction after their ideas or behaviors have been called into question.Instead of responding to the real issue, the actual ideas or behaviors that have been questioned, they create a diversionary issue—the real or imagined failings, or the motivation, of the person who raised the issue. When Paula Jones accused then president Clinton of having made improper sexual advances toward her, one Clinton spokesman made the comment that almost anything could be accomplished “by dragging a hundred dollar bill through a trailer court,” implying that Jones’s character was suspect.

When other women came forward with charges that Clinton had harassed them, the president’s advisors adopted what became known as the “nuts and sluts” strategy—that is, they insinuated that anyone who made such a charge must be mentally unstable or sexually promiscuous and therefore untrustworthy. Later, when Dick Morris, a former advisor to Clinton, joined Fox News as a consultant and offered his analysis of Clinton’s behavior and the alleged cover-up strategies, some Clinton loyalists claimed that nothing Morris said was credible because he himself had committed sexual indiscretions and also was disgruntled over his loss of status in the White House.






