Now what?

作者: 一窝竹子 | 来源:发表于2018-12-28 22:33 被阅读19次

A.) With the surrender of the English at Yorktown and liberation from English rule the slate was blank for the new nation: “America” to craft its own political identity.

B.) Right away, arguments arouse as to what sort of government would best drive the nation into social, political, and economic prosperity(success).

C.) During the revolutionary war and immediately after the government operated under the “Articles of Confederation”.

D.) The articles of Confederation gave most of the power of governance to the individual colonies/states.

E.) Once America became a new “nation” a fundamental political question had to be answered: are we a “nation” — A unified political body with a single identity.


    Are we simply a collection of individual identities and legislatures must be respected?



      本文标题:Now what?
