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FreeCodeCamp-HTML5 and CSS3-第二课

FreeCodeCamp-HTML5 and CSS3-第二课

作者: 涂魄 | 来源:发表于2017-03-15 20:12 被阅读0次

    Headine with the h2 Element#

    Over the next few challenges, we'll build an HTML 5 app that will look something like this:
    完成接下来的挑战后,我们将构造出一个如下图所示的HTML 5 app。


    The h2 element you enter will create an h2 element on the website.

    This element tells the browser about the structure of your website. h1 elements are often used for main headings, while h2 elements are generally used for subheadings. There are also h3, h4, h5 and h6 elements to indicate different and new sections.

    Add an h2 tag that says "CatPhotoApp" to creat a second HTML element below your "Hello World" h1 element.
    在你的h1标签:"Hello World"的下方添加一个名为"CatPhotoApp"的h2标签。

    • Create an h2 element.
    • 创建一个h2标签。
    • Make sure your h2 element has a closing tag.
    • 确保你的h2代码含有相应的关闭标签。
    • Your h2 element should have the text "CatPhotoApp".
    • 你的h2代码中需含有"CatPhotoApp"文本。
    • Your h1 element should have the text "Hello World".
    • 你的h1代码中需含有"Hello World"文本。
    <h1>Hello World</h1>
    English 中文
    brower n. 浏览器
    structure n. 结构;构造;建筑物 vt. 组织;构成;建造
    generally adv. 通常;普遍地;一般地
    indicate vt. 表明;指出;预示;象征



        本文标题:FreeCodeCamp-HTML5 and CSS3-第二课
