【英语故事】I Created An Anonymous Gos

【英语故事】I Created An Anonymous Gos

作者: 52e47f71698a | 来源:发表于2019-05-10 09:38 被阅读1次

Hi, I’m Lucy, and I’ve created an anonymous blog where I reveal the secrets of people from my school. I just wanted revenge on the girls that huffed me, but it quickly got out of control…Let's start with a little bit of background: I was 15, wearing braces, and had HORRIBLE acne on my face. Not a big deal, right? Yeah, right, but the older, popular girls were CONSTANTLY mocking me for it. They would even laugh at me when I passed by them in school, and it hurt because they were pretty and everyone liked them.I told my older sister, Ashley, what was going on. We went to the same school and she said not to worry, because those girls had awkward secrets and they only made those jokes because they were insecure. She told me all about them – one of them once made a very awkward video of herself covering a song, and it was so disastrous that she eventually deleted it, but some people (including my sister) still had it in their “possession.It was pretty awkward, but not super bad. But another girl, on the other hand…turned out to be CONSTANLY lying about herself. Like, she would say her hair was naturally red, but it wasn’t true, and she would say that her parents were rich but they weren’t, and she would tell all of these crazy stories about her life, while in reality she was living a very ordinary life. Once she even came up with a story that some man assaulted her but she ran away, and she was describing it in detail, but it was 100% made up.My sister was also watching this pretty old show called “Gossip Girl” where a girl creates an anonymous blog where she revealed rumors and horrible truths about the other characters. So, naturally, I came up with a plan.I created an anonymous blog where I made several posts about those girls. I would write them in a very snarky and sarcastic manner. I even found that infamous video of the girl singing. I shared it in our school Facebook group, and the results were GLORIOUS. It turned out that a lot of people disliked these girls because they were so full of themselves, and it was really awesome to see how everyone reacted. Now, everyone was giggling and whispering about those girls and not about me. And the girls... they were extremely angry about it.Basically, I felt like a hero. The right thing to do was to abandon this blog right away, but… I wanted MORE. Besides, other students started texting me different secrets about people. So I kept on doing this blog, posting stuff about people who deserved to be exposed. And then I would walk through school like a queen, although nobody knew it was me.But soon... I started to post almost anything "juicy," even about people who clearly didn’t deserve to be exposed or talked about in school. And the popularity of my blog rose, so it was affecting people more than when I began.Most of it was innocent enough, but sometimes I exposed secret relationships some people had, and those posts were by far the most popular, but it often damaged the reputations of some good people.I wasn’t a hero anymore, I was a villain! And the consequences finally came. I got a message, "I know who you are.“ It was terrifying. I started to look around, trying to find someone who was looking at me... a little differently. I was extremely paranoid and was sure that a lot people were looking at me... weirdly.Besides, teachers finally found out about my blog. I even decided to make a post about myself to remove any suspicions around me, but I couldn’t do it in time, because something else happened...Later that evening, when I was at home, someone threw a stone through our window and broke it. My Dad and Mom were mad, thinking some vandals did it. But I knew that wasn’t true. And my sister also realized what was happening.She came to my room and asked if I was the gossip girl and if it was someone "getting revenge." I knew that I couldn’t lie, so I said "yes."Ashley said that I should immediately stop doing this blog and confess to my parents. I promised that I would stop doing the blog, but I didn’t want to tell my parents, but she said that if I wouldn’t confess myself, she would do it instead. So I caved in and told my parents everything...They were mad and grounded me, limiting my access to the internet. And with that I thought that it was finally over, but it wasn’t...A week after I ended my "career,“ my classmate Joe came up to me with a smile and said, "I’m glad you stopped doing this.“ I was shocked! I asked how he knew, he giggled and said, "I didn’t, I was watching you and you kinda changed right after this blog started. I wrote you a message to see how you would react, and you completely changed after you received it.“












    本文标题:【英语故事】I Created An Anonymous Gos
