Lecture 1: Ideation
Speakers: Michele Morris, Michael W Meyer
Location:UCSD RBC
一开始的icebreaking环节是传球游戏,从最开始的一个“sound ball”逐渐增加了“word ball”和“action ball”。传递假装存在的球,发球人和街球人必须发出同样的声音,说出同样的词或者做出同样的动作,才表示接到球。因为球并不是真实存在的,那么眼神的交流,信号的传递就显得很重要。而随着“球”的数目的增加,能否同时处理多个信息进行多线程任务就显得更为重要。
在一个idea的形成过程中,不同于传统观念中认为是一个伟大的发明家或者创新者在实验室中灵光一现,一个伟大的创新横空出世多依赖于一个团队的ideation. 这个过程被归结为双钻石模型(Double Diamond)
Rules of Process Ideation
1) One Conversation (not a debate!)
2) Stay Focused
3) Encourage Wild Idea (even crazy idea!)
4) Build on the Ideas of Others
5) Defer Judgement
Crazy Idea means you start to brainstorm.
Never say no in brainstorm
When gets stuck --> Reframing!
1) Random Entry Provocation (ask 5 layers of Why) and find a connection between the random entry factor and the key issue. e.g. apple--parking: apple-->food-->lunch hour, peak hour for the parking
2) Make assumption
How do you want to solve the problem if you have $1M?
事实上,当问题进行到“I don't Know”的时候才是问题真正的核心开始展露的时候。
分解问题,different problem statement.
parking: 1) how to build more parking lot?
2) How to solve the peak hour issue?
3) How to encourage more people don't park on campus?
最后,非常重要的是归集idea! (clustering) clustering always brings new ideas (1+1>2)