与君共读 | 人物故事 · 一千万人心中有一千万个李子柒

与君共读 | 人物故事 · 一千万人心中有一千万个李子柒

作者: 杬君Melody | 来源:发表于2020-06-06 17:16 被阅读0次











01 心法分享








02 外刊阅读

The Reclusive Food Celebrity Li Ziqi Is My Quarantine Queen

reclusive 隐居的,出世的; quarantine 隔离

In isolation, the D.I.Y. fantasy world ofthe Chinese YouTube star is a dreamy escape, and a lesson in self-reliance.

1. fantasy world 梦幻世界(想起迪士尼有没有);

2. a dreamy escape 梦幻般的逃离,逃离也是人们去旅游,去游玩的主要动机了;

3. self-reliance 自力更生

Li Ziqi's YouTube channel, with its soothing videos of an idealized rural life in China, has nearly 10 million subscribers.

4. soothing 使人平和的    e.g. some nice soothing music;

5. idealized rural life 理想化的世外桃源;

6. subscriber 订购者;

7. with its... in China 作为插入语,补充背景信息

Ms. Li, who lives in a village in Sichuan Province and rarely speaks to press, looks not unlike a Disney princess in her crown braids, wearing a silvery fur cape, trudging gracefully in the snow. At 29, she is famous for her mesmerizing videos of rural self-sufficiency, posted on Weibo and YouTube.

8. press = media 媒体   e.g. TV/news/radio program etc.

9. looks not unlike a Disney princess in her crown braids, wearing a silvery fur cape, trudging gracefully in the snow.


10. not unlike 双重否定,表示没什么两样;

11. mesmerizing 吸引人的,迷人的;

12. self-sufficiency 自给自足

For a worldwide audience in isolation, her D.I.Y. pastoral fantasies have become a reliable source of escape and comfort.

I usually plan to watch one — just one —but then I let the algorithm guide me to another, and another, until, soothed by bird song and instrumentals, I'm convinced that I'm absorbing useful information from Ms. Li about how to live off the land.

13. pastoral fantasies 梦幻田园

14. algorithm 计算机算法;

15. bird song = bird chirping 鸟鸣;

16. instrumentals 由乐器演奏出来的器乐

Ms. Li doesn’t explain anything as she goes. In fact, she tends to work in silence, without the use of any modern kitchen gadgets. Her sieve is a gourd. Her grater is a piece of metal that she punctures, at an angle, then attaches to two pieces of wood. Her basin is a stream, where she washes the dirt from vegetables.

17. kitchen gadgets 厨房器具;

18. Her sieve is a gourd. Her grater is a piece of metal that she punctures, at an angle, then attaches to two pieces of wood.


19. Her basin is a stream, where she washes the dirt from vegetables. 她洗菜的水槽是一条小溪

Ms. Li makes peach blossom wine and cherrywine, preserves loquats and rose petals. She makes fresh tofu, and Lanzhou-style noodle soup with a perfectly clear broth, and ferments Sichuan broad bean paste from scratch. She butchers ducks and whole animals.

20. peach blossom wine and cherry wine 酿桃花酿和樱桃酒;

21. loquat 枇杷;

22. Lanzhou-style noodle soup with a perfectly clear broth 兰州清汤面;

23. ferments Sichuan broad bean paste from scratch 从种豆开始发酵四川蚕豆酱

She is not known for taking shortcuts. A video about matsutake mushrooms begins with her building the grill to cook them, laying the bricks down one at a time, scraping the mortar smooth, then hunting for mushrooms in the woods.

24. shortcuts 捷径;

25. matsutake mushrooms 松茸;

26. grill 烧烤架;

27. laying the bricks down one at a time, scraping the mortar smooth, then hunting for mushrooms in the woods.


In a video about cooking fish, she first goes fishing, in the snow, patiently throwing back any catches that are too small, as snowflakes freeze into her hair.

Like the main character in some kind of post-apocalyptic novel, Ms. Li is almost always alone, though she doesn’t seem lonely, riding her horse through fields of wildflowers, or carrying baskets of sweet potatoes under citrus trees. She seems tireless, focused, confident, independent.

28. 放回鱼苗是为了生态循环,很多西方国家也都有fishing policy, 限定捕捞数量和鱼的重量,渔网的网眼宽度也有规定;

29. snowflake 雪花;

30. post-apocalypticl 后末日;

31. citrus trees 柑橘树

The videos are deeply soothing. But it’s not just that — they reveal the intricacy and intensity of labor that goes into every single component of every single dish, while also making the long, solitary processes of producing food seem meaningful and worthwhile.

32. intricacy and intensity of labor 劳动的复杂性和强度

33. while 表示对照关系

It’s the complete opposite of most cooking content, the kind that suggests that everything is so quick and easy that you can do it, too, and probably in less than 30 minutes.

But Ms. Li also romanticizes the struggles of farm life, and, as any savvy influencer would, monetizes that appeal. In heronline shop, she sells a curved cleaver, similar to the ones she uses in hervideos, as well as loose Hanfu-inspired linen clothing, Sichuan ginseng honey and chile sauces.

34. romanticize 浪漫化,-ize是动词的后缀    e.g. globalize, modernize;

35. as any savvy influencer would


36. monetizes that appeal 通过流量变现;

37. curved cleaver 弯刀;

38. as well as loose Hanfu-inspired linen clothing, Sichuan ginseng honey and chile sauces.


This is the powerful fantasy of her videos right now — people growing and cooking all of their own food, not wasting anything, and not needing anything more than what they already have around them.

In isolation, watching Ms. Li gather rosepetals and ripe tomatoes, I catch myself thinking, is this sequence set in the past, or the future? Are these videos a record of the collective food knowledge we’ve already lost, or an idealized vision of its recovery?


03 思考一下

1. What makes Li ziqi's videos so popular all over the world?

2. 对标口语写作话题:工作类,如 job satisfaction & job security 哪个更重要?


04 精彩思想碰撞


文段|The New York Times

文图|The New York Times(侵删)





      本文标题:与君共读 | 人物故事 · 一千万人心中有一千万个李子柒
