2023-11-30Critical path of the P

2023-11-30Critical path of the P

作者: 木金木水火土的木 | 来源:发表于2023-11-29 22:47 被阅读0次

Area #4

As of 31 October 2023, there are 134 days of delay in

Area #4 attributed to critical path of the Project. The delay is mainly

reflected in the following aspects: The EPC Parties having no right of access to Site for the Road D428 till 31

October 2023 which is the only access road to WA418~WA434 and consequently unable to

start WTG foundation construction Works of WA418~WA434. Secondly, right of

access to Site for roads of WA406~WA417 and WA401~WA405 was also not available

to the Contractor until Apr. 26, 2023 and May 04, 2023. Respectively due to which the road Works in

this group of WTGs were also started late due to such delay in land handover by

the Employer and till now the Contractor is still carrying out access road Works. Furthermore,

because of huge quantity of excavation requires blasting, overlapped with rainy weather impacts,the EPC Parties are unable to start WTG foundation construction Works in thisgroup. As a result, the start of WTG foundation construction for bothWA418~WA434 and WA401~WA417 are delayed. The delay in WTG foundationconstruction directly delays the WTG installation which further delays thetesting, commissioning and Commercial Operation Tests and finally ProvisionalTaking Over of WTGs of Area # 4.

The EPC Parties have started the excavation

from beginning of November 2023 mobilized more machinery and manpower in Area #4. Currently the first WTG foundation

bed concrete pouring has been completed. Following the analysis of resource efficiency atsite for all other areas, the EPC Parties shall arrange additional resources toaccelerate the progress of the road works for internal roads  WA418-WA434 and WA401-WA417 which areexpected to be completed before 10 January 2024 and 29 February 2024. These WTGfoundation and hardstands are planned to be completed before 24 May and 7 July2024 respectively. The required additional resources are attached as Annex-3.1and Annex-3.2.


Considering the climate conditions of project site,the duration of the Partial Acceleration Plan is from November 2023 tillNovember 2024. Furthermore, in order to match the dry season time, till end ofJune 2024, most of the WTG foundation civil works and substation civil worksshall be completed, only 14 WTG foundations works for Area #4 are to becompleted in the beginning of September 2024 and only part of hardstands worksis remaining till November 2024.



      本文标题:2023-11-30Critical path of the P
