Day 1 January 21, 2024
百度翻译:Regardless of whether it is correct or not, people will think and cannot stop themselves from thinking - thinking leads to decision-making, which in turn leads to action and ultimately constitutes fate.
有道翻译:Rightly or wrongly, people think, and they cannot stop themselves from thinking - thinking leads to decision, which leads to action, which forms destiny.
[if !supportLists]1. [endif]correct or not初次朗读被有道翻译识别为collector not,经过1个多小时练习,终于被正常识别了。
[if !supportLists]2. [endif]第一天学习,只练习了几句话,感觉口语只是初中水平,要提高还是要投入更多的时间。
[if !supportLists]3. [endif]笑来老师有相应的练习软件,但要梯子才行,安装也相当繁琐,现在使用百度翻译来进行中译英,然后跟读。朗读熟练后用手机的有道翻译官APP进行英译中,检验学习效果。
[if !supportLists]4. [endif]按老师的建议,下一日尽量早上起床后练习,以获得良好效果。
Day 2 January 22, 2024
我的译文:It is difficultly more than your thinking what do long time plan,because our target and idea are change already.
百度翻译:Adhering to long-term plans is much harder than you imagine, as our goals and ideas are constantly changing.
有道翻译:Sticking to long-term plans is harder than you think because our goals and thoughts are always changing.
[if !supportLists]1. [endif]有道翻译较贴近我的译文,其中想法都是用think,因为都是用because ,不象百度用as。
[if !supportLists]2. [endif]用词方面,困难、长期总是等用错单词,计划没有用复数,形态方面change没有用现在进行时。
[if !supportLists]3. [endif]有道翻译每天只有三次免费使用,以后要节约使用。
我的译文:Wake up on the morning,face to the sun,ahead is east,behind is west,left is north,right is south.
百度译文:Wake up in the morning, facing the sun. The front is east, the back is west, the left is north, and the right is south.
360翻译:In the morning, facing the sun, east in front, west behind, north on the left, south on the right.
[if !supportLists]1. [endif]这句比较容易,翻译错的不多,主要是定词in /the没有用对,前后也有差别,但也没错。
[if !supportLists]2. [endif]朗读的口音还是比较准确,front读成farm,以后注意。