#import "ViewController.h"
@protocol MZNameProtocol <NSObject>
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *name;
- (void)haveName;
@protocol MZBreathProtocol <NSObject>
- (void)canBreath;
@interface MZCar : NSObject<MZNameProtocol>
@implementation MZCar
- (void)haveName {
NSLog(@"%@ have a name: %@", self.class, self.name);
@synthesize name;
@interface MZDog : NSObject<MZNameProtocol, MZBreathProtocol>
@implementation MZDog
- (void)haveName {
NSLog(@"%@ have a name: %@", self.class, self.name);
- (void)canBreath {
NSLog(@"%@ canBreath", self.class);
@synthesize name;
@interface MZPerson : NSObject<MZNameProtocol, MZBreathProtocol>
@implementation MZPerson
- (void)haveName {
NSLog(@"%@ have a name: %@", self.class, self.name);
- (void)canBreath {
NSLog(@"%@ can breath", self.class);
@synthesize name;
@interface ViewController ()
@implementation ViewController
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
MZCar *car = [[MZCar alloc] init];
MZDog *dog = [[MZDog alloc] init];
MZPerson *person = [[MZPerson alloc] init];
car.name = @"car";
dog.name = @"dog";
person.name = @"person";
id<MZBreathProtocol> breathDog = [[MZDog alloc] init];
[breathDog canBreath];
[self linkTo:car];
[self linkTo:dog];
[self linkTo:person];
- (void)linkTo:(id<MZNameProtocol>)device {
[device haveName];