My application requires a flash for help and the device must support the flash function.
So this app does not support iPad, only iPhone.
This is a SOS alarm software, it is a necessary self-defense weapon. In daily life, if you are in danger or get lost in the dark, and you want to ask for help from others, what should you do? With this software, you can turn on the sos function inside, flash a single flash, or turn on the sound alarm function, the phone will sound an alarm, and quickly attract people's attention. Quickly download the experience!

In the SOSExamples.xcworkspace you will see a SOSSettings.plist file in the explorer. This contains the information you will need to successfully start an SOS session.
This settings file contains several fields. These fields correspond to information retrieved in your org.
Please see this page on configuring your org for SOS to retrieve these values.
In addition to the SOS org configuration, there are fields to enable various custom UI elements for SOS. These will instruct SOS to load the custom classes built within this app instead of the default UI the SOS SDK provides.
NOTE: By default this settings file contains placeholder values. If the credentials here are not valid when starting a session, you will see an error.
Using the SOSExamples Project
NOTE CocoaPods creates or updates the SOSExamples.xcworkspace file. You need to use this file to load and build the project. The SOSExamples.xcodeproj will not work on its own.
This sample application is designed to showcase how you might approach integrating SOS into your application. This application is almost entirely wired together via the storyboard. Most code that you will find in the project is specifically related to an SOS integration.