【作者】:Eileen Caddy
Many times you may have to go ahead in faith, unable to see the full reason for the action you are taking, but do not hesitate when you know within that it is right. You must have faith to be able to take steps into the unknown, for there may be many outer influences pulling you this way and that until you feel torn to pieces. This is where you have to learn to go within and know with absolute knowing that what you are doing is being guided by Me and will work out perfectly. It takes great faith and courage to step out and follow those deep inner promptings, especially when the action you are taking appears as utter foolishness in the eyes of others. That is why you could not do it without complete faith and inner knowing. The choice always lies in your hands; therefore choose and choose aright with your hand firmly in Mine. I will never fail you or forsake you, but will guide your every step.