Hold on to Your Dream

Hold on to Your Dream

作者: 雨天的那棵树 | 来源:发表于2019-05-15 06:28 被阅读89次
    Hold on to Your Dream

    There's a voice that calls to some of us

    From somewhere deep inside

    A voice that will not give us peace,

    Until at least we've tried

    To catch that bright elusive star,

    Though foolish it may seem

    To those not driven as we are

    To hold on to a dream

    It's not just thoughts of fame or wealth

    That keep us hanging on

    When others would have given up,

    When all but Hope is gone.

    When sometimes even Hope grows dim

    And casts its faintest beam,

    We wonder if it's worth it all

    To hold on to a dream.

    And then that voice inside of us

    That others cannot know

    Tells us that our chance will come,

    That we must not let go.

    If we can only persevere

    Someday our Star will gleam!

    And they'll know why we had to try

    To hold on to our dream.



        本文标题:Hold on to Your Dream
