Hey guys. How is everything ?
Today , I have listened to the audio about Credit Card Not Working. Below is my notes: When you want to use your credit card to pay for something , but it says it doesn't go through (go through equals work). We know that happened for many reasons . So if we get an error message , we need to consider the reasons. Is the credit card expired (expired means is no valid)? If it is a new card , then did you activate it (activate it equals make it work)?Or are you over your limit? And if you are traveling abroad, did you notify your bank you'll be abroad ? Then you need to decide what to do ,use cash instead or change another card . That's all.
Ps: add few useful words
insert : insert card , insert headphones into your phone
go through : calling someone but it didn't go through
issued: formal things , issued by government , bank or other authorities