The Etiquette of Talking Back
文章的第一段,作者再一次的提到了 four rules for doing a second reading of the same book——an interpretative. the four rule is determine of his poblems that author solved and which he did not,and of the latter,decide which the author knew he failed to solve.
Reading a book is a kind of conversation.阅读也是一种对话形式,阅读的时候我们可以把自己当成书中的人物,与其他人物进行对话,或者与作者进行对话。作为一个读者,我们有opportunity and obligation进行conversation.
我们常说:“One thousand readers, there are one thousand Hamlet.” 所以说,作者有时候是发现不了自己的问题的,因而更需要读者的comments and suggestions.
An intellectual etiquette one should obeserve. Without it,conversation is bickering rather than profitable communication. The profit in good conversation is something learnerd.
一本真正的好书是经得起怀疑和批判的。Bacon's recomn-endation to the reader:"Read not to contradict and confute;not tobelieve and take for granted;nor to find talk and discourse;but to weigh and consider."没有一本书是完美的,即使它能够传授给读者一些知识,启发读者。
如何使说的话显得有内涵,除了借鉴之外,还可以用到 rhetoric,if our purpose in trying to communicate is serious,we wish to convince or persuade——very precisely,to convince about theoretical matters and to persuade about matters that ultimately affect action or feeling.
Simile 明喻 metaphor 暗喻
personification 拟人 metonymy 借代
pun 双关 syllepsis 一语双叙法 irony 反语
alliteration 头韵 repetition 反复
I don't know what you mean,but I think you are wrong.
1.You must not begin to talk back until you have listened carefully and are sure you understand.
2.All human disagreements can be resolved by the removal of misunderstanding of ignorance.