Teacher Tracey
With Eva
Tuesday | Feb 6th
Buying clothes
Do you like shopping?
-- Yes, I do.
salesperson 售货员
How can I help you?
What size are you?
customer 顾客
what is it made of?
-- It's made of wool.
I'm a small / medium / large.
I'm looking for ...
Do you have jeans?
Do you like shopping?
May I pay with my credit card? 我可以用信用卡支付吗?
May I pay in cash?
May I pay by(或者with) Alipay / WeChat?
I will transfer the money to you.
Alipay account
WeChat account
bank account 银行账号
What's your bank account?
Can you ship it to me?
ship (v.)运输,邮寄
express (n.)快递
by express 用快递
Can you ship it to me by express? 你可以用快递把它寄给我吗?
We have ZhongTong 2 service. 我们有中通快递服务。
The express takes 2 to 3 days. 快递花费2-3天的时间。
sweater; jeans; skirt; coat; T-shirt; shirt; dress.