Akka 介绍
Welcome to Akka, a set of open-source libraries for designing scalable, resilient systems that span processor cores and networks. Akka allows you to focus on meeting business needs instead of writing low-level code to provide reliable behavior, fault tolerance, and high performance
Akka 是一套用于设计可扩展的,可容错,高并发的分布式系统的开源类库,Akka 让你可以专注于业务需求而不是纠结于如何处理可用性,容错性和可靠性。
Common practices and programming models do not address important challenges inherent in designing systems for modern computer architectures. To be successful, distributed systems must cope in an environment where components crash without responding, messages get lost without a trace on the wire, and network latency fluctuates. These problems occur regularly in carefully managed intra-datacenter environments - even more so in virtualized architectures.
To deal with these realities, Akka provides:
Multi-threaded behavior without the use of low-level concurrency constructs like atomics or locks. You do not even need to think about memory visibility issues.
Transparent remote communication between systems and their components. You do not need to write or maintain difficult networking code.
A clustered, high-availability architecture that is elastic, scales in or out, on demand.
All of these features are available through a uniform programming model: Akka exploits the actor model to provide a level of abstraction that makes it easier to write correct concurrent, parallel and distributed systems. The actor model spans the set of Akka libraries, providing you with a consistent way of understanding and using them. Thus, Akka offers a depth of integration that you cannot achieve by picking libraries to solve individual problems and trying to piece them together.
所有这些特性基于同一的编程模型:Akka利用actor模型提供一种同一级别的抽象使得编写正确的并发并行的分布式系统更加容易。actor 模型贯穿了整个Akka类库,使得你可以在同一的思想下的学习和使用它们,因此,Akka提供了一种深度融合让你你不用为了解决个别的问题去挑选不同的类库并把他们组装在一起。
By learning Akka and its actor model, you will gain access to a vast and deep set of tools that solve difficult distributed/parallel systems problems in a uniform programming model where everything fits together tightly and efficiently.
什么事Actor 模型?
The characteristics of today’s computing environments are vastly different from the ones in use when the programming models of yesterday were conceived. Actors were invented decades ago byCarl Hewitt. But relatively recently, their applicability to the challenges of modern computing systems has been recognized and proved to be effective.
The actor model provides an abstraction that allows you to think about your code in terms of communication, not unlike people in a large organization. The basic characteristic of actors is that they model the world as stateful entities communicating with each other by explicit message passing.
As computational entities, actors have these characteristics:
作为计算实体,actors 拥有如下特征:
They communicate with asynchronous messaging instead of method calls
They manage their own state
When responding to a message, they can:
Create other (child) actors
Send messages to other actors
Stop (child) actors or themselves