1. Pay close attention. This is your life.” — Professor Deborah Pope 请关注生活中的细节。这是你的生活。
2. “You will get the more satisfaction about the relationships you form than from the things you acquire.”—Joel Rosch。与人们建立友好关系所获得的满足感,能比你拥有的物质带给你的幸福要多。
3. “Respect people over job titles. Everyone's life has meaning.” —Stacy Torian 关注他这个人本身,不是他的头衔。每个人的生命都有其价值。
4. “People always obsess over big decisions (e.g., which job/ position to accept), but really, tomorrow will always be a blur. Plan with calmness, and then take the leap in the direction you think is best, knowing that there will rarely be a ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ but just a choice that leads to the next steps of life.”—Professor Mohamed Noor
人们总是过于在意那些所谓“重要的决定 (比如选择什么样的工作或者职位) 。” 但是实际上明天是不确定的。冷静地计划,朝着你认为最好的方向大胆前进,因为很少有所谓完全”正确”或是”错误”的决定,它们不过是带你走进下一个阶段罢了。
5. “Learn to reframe rejection. Whether you're working towards a leadership position or building a company, people will frequently tell you no. Instead of seeing it as a shutdown, look at it as an opportunity to figure out why. Are you asking the wrong person? Have you not yet demonstrated you can handle the new responsibility? Over time, ‘no’ becomes just another opportunity to wait, learn and try again.”—Kathryn Minshew
学会重新认识拒绝。当你正在努力成为一个领导者或者建立公司的时候,你经常会收到拒绝的回答,“不行!”。但是,与其把每个NO视为事情的结束,不如把它看作一个寻找原因的机会。想想:你是不是没找对人? 你是不是还没有展现出你具有承担这个新责任的能力? 如此之类,时间久了,你再收到“NO”,就会变成另一个等待、学习与再次尝试的机会。