Day 4. ordering lunch to go/ mak

Day 4. ordering lunch to go/ mak

作者: YAN_tdlorang | 来源:发表于2019-05-11 15:02 被阅读0次

    Day 4. ordering lunch to go/ making a doctor's appointment/visiting the doctor


    易犯的读音错误:meal deal? test drive? English?

    重音需要注意: temperature,appetizer


    ① 多、少放点冰:go easy on the ice/ go light on it/ go heavy on it

    ② 少盐、多盐:heavy on salt

    ③ 耗油:heavy on gas/my car guzzles fuel. guzzle: 狂饮;猛喝

    ④ 堂吃或外带:for here or to go?

    ⑤ 要点份套餐么?would you like to make a meal deal?

    ⑥ 组合套餐:combo, meal

    ⑦ side of xx , 配菜xx, I'd like a side order of fries

    ① on the side 酱料

    ② on the side 偷偷摸摸

    ③ on the side 兼职

    ④ 不要XX,I'm gonna pass on that.

    ⑤ 账单总金额, your total comes to $ 6.99

    ⑥ On second thought (真香警告),等等,我想想,I'm gonna watch movie with you

    ⑦ 接受某人请求,I will take you up on your offer

    ⑧ 预约满了,怎么说?is booked solid today

    ① 满满的干货,his matrials are solid

    ② 他是一靠谱的主,he is solid.

    ③ 得了xx病,I’ve come down with the flu.

    ④ 缺人手的:understafffed,short-staffed, short-handed, 

    ⑤ 目光短浅的:short-sighted

    ⑥ 暴脾气的:short-tempered

    ⑦ 发错邮件,想说撤回,即 “取消发送”, unsend

    ⑧ 发错信息,想说撤回,recall

    ① 分分合合,on and off,  She's been on and off with her boyfriend for 7 years

    ② 分分合合,together and untogether, we've been together and untogether.

    ③ 我无能为力,我做不了什么,my hands are tired.

    ④ If I were you, I would 虚拟句式,注意时态,莫张口纠错,多念

    ⑤ 身体不舒服,I‘ve been under the weather for days.

    ⑥ 有时间、有空,I didn't get around for it.

    ⑦ headache 头痛可数,我头痛,有a,I had a headache, (这样去记,理解为头痛一阵一阵的)

    ⑧ back on your feet, 恢复健康,转危为安,the company got back on its feet under Eric's marvelous lead

    ① magic bullet 大力丸

    ② silver bullet, a simple solution to a complicated problem

    ③ panacea 美                                                                                                [ˌpænəˈsiːə] 灵丹妙药

    ④ run its course 让...自然发生,按本来的节奏、流程

    ⑤ let nature take its course 顺其自然

    ⑥ squeeze someone in, 插进(预约名单

    ⑦ what's the nature of your visit? 此来何为?

    ⑧ 超速罚单 a speeding ticket

    ① give sb a break 放某人一马

    ② cut me some slack 放我一马吧


    soda/soda pop 表示汽水,不是苏打水。一般说soda pop 汽水、饮料



    Don't you have anything earlier today? earlier 读清楚

    I'm afraid not. 中afraid的d 不发音,afriad 说完,停顿一下,not 重读

    what are your symptoms? w da yer?



          本文标题:Day 4. ordering lunch to go/ mak
