2022-06-04  心游乎真,不知乎真

2022-06-04  心游乎真,不知乎真

作者: 歸鶴樓主 | 来源:发表于2022-06-05 11:43 被阅读0次

    Time shapes or modifies the past through the present to the future. Now to be aware of that as one is aware of that trunk of that extraordinary tree with that colour, choicelessly.  And if one is totally aware of that then what takes place? Is there an awareness of the unknown? No, that's the whole point. The moment you are aware of the unknown it is the known. I don't know if you see all this. Right, sir? So the movement of the known, and it's a movement, and that which is not capable of being put into words, which is not measurable, has no relationship to thought. So the total awareness of both: awareness of the known and also awareness that says, 'l  cannot possibly be aware of the movement of the unknown'. Right? Sir, it's like this: if you are happy,  the moment you become aware that you are happy it's gone. That's all, it's as simple as that. Truth is that quality of mind which never knows that it is the truth. (Ojai 2nd Public Talk 8th April 1973)



    Truth is that quality of mind which never knows that it is the truth. 




    Truth is that quality of mind which never knows that it is the truth. 兹翻译如下:“真,是一种心境——游乎其中,而不知其为真。”人,返归本真,与真相、真理冥合,而不自知,此时才是真正的、不人为造作的本真状态。一旦我对此产生了意识——我此刻正处于本真状态,我看到了事物的真相,我与真理同游……此时已经有了微妙变化:刻意摆拍,忸怩作态,按照某标准进行善恶取舍。这就是思维意识介入,企图按照某种固定的思维定式,去涂抹、装饰那本真状态,目的是演给某些人、某个特定群体看,去迎合世界。




          本文标题:2022-06-04  心游乎真,不知乎真
