Open syllable: The vowel always says its letter name
An open syllable is a syllable that ends with a vowel sound. The vowel sound is usually long, meaning it's pronounced the same as the name of the vowel letter. Some examples of open syllables include "be," "no," "my," and "she." Open syllables are typically found at the end of a word or followed by a consonant sound within a word.
hi no me
/haɪ/ /noʊ/ /miː/
Closed syllable: The vowel makes a short sound
A closed syllable is a syllable that ends with a consonant sound. The vowel sound in a closed syllable is usually short, meaning it's pronounced more quickly and with less emphasis than in an open syllable. Some examples of closed syllables include "cat," "big," "stop," and "fin."
hit not men
/hɪt/ /nɑːt/ /men/