

作者: 译嘉 | 来源:发表于2017-12-04 10:32 被阅读44次


It is always inspiring to see a brave man fighting for a lost cause, and I never cease to admire the Jacobitish zeal with which year after year Mr. John Ervine carries on a guerrilla warfare against the ever-increasing power of tobacco. I admire it all the more because I have fired a few shots in the war against tobacco myself, and have invariable retired defeated, with sign of defeat, a cigarette in my mouth. I can go on fighting for a week or a month, but there always comes a time when I strike my colours -- and a match. (Robert Lynd)


1.lost:不作“失去的”解,应为“失败的”、“输了的”之意,如a lost battle(败仗),故在上文中意为“一种完全没有成功希望的运动”。

2.Jacobitish:为Jacobite的形容词。Jacobite为1688年被迫逊位的英王James II的拥护者,即支持House of Stuart(斯图亚特王室)者。

3.St.John Ervine为英国爱尔兰出生的剧作家兼小说家。在第一次世界大战后渡美,成为百老汇的批评家。

4.guerrilla warfare:游击战。

5.all the more because:因此更加。

6.retired defeated:败下阵来。

7.the sign of defeat与下面说的a cigarette in my mouth同格。

8.strike one's colours:投降。作者利用strike a match一语中的同一动词(strike)而作出此俏皮话语。





看到一位勇敢者为一项无望的事业而战是鼓舞人心的, 约翰·欧文先生在年复一年与不断增长的烟草势力进行游击战,对他所表现出来的百折不挠的热忱,我永远表示钦佩。在我自己向烟草抗争过几次之后便更加佩服这一点,因为我不可避免地败下阵来,而作为失败的标志,烟卷重又回到我的嘴边。我可以持续战斗一周或一个月, 但总有一个时刻我会故态复萌——划火柴。(罗伯特·林德)


音频:  https://www.lizhi.fm/1718292/2639044828681493510


My car was acting up recently and wasn't running __1__, so I took it to a __2__ to have it checked. Everytime I tried to start the car, the __3__ would turn over for a second or two and then die. The mechanic pulled the car into his __4__ to look things over. The mechanic popped the __5__, checked to see if all the hoses and belts were in working order, and then tested the car battery and battery __6__. After taking a look at things for a few minutes and trying to get the car going, the mechanic diagnosed the problem as a bad __7__. He said he could fix the problem by replacing the alternator with a new ($130) or a rebuilt alternator ($80). Just __8__ the problem cost $65, and the labor was $50. I asked the mechanic to go ahead and do the __9__, and he said that there was a 30-day warranty on parts and __10__. Some mechanics might overcharge you for repairs, but the mechanic I go to is fair and does great work.


1.right  2.mechanic  3.engine  4.garage  5.hood  6.cables  7.alternator  8.diagnosing  9.repairs  10.labor


1.My car was _______________ this morning, and it didn't run smoothly to work.

a.acting down

b.acting over

c.acting up

2.I thought the cost of the repairs was very ______________ because the job would have cost me much more to go elsewhere. I'm satisfied.

3.That shop always guarantees their work, and they provide a 10-day ______________ on all parts and labor in case you have another problem.

4.If you don't take your car to a trustworthy mechanic, the shop might ____________ you for the work they do, and you will end up spending too much.

5.I asked the mechanic to __________ my car to see if he could figure out the problem.

a.look beyond

b.look to

c.look over

6.I think we need to _____________ the battery because this one is dead. We can buy it at this shop.





1.c  2.fair  3.warranty  4.overcharge  5.c  6.b



