问题解决之 突破表最大长度限制

问题解决之 突破表最大长度限制

作者: syjf1976_abap | 来源:发表于2021-07-28 06:39 被阅读0次

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    无意中发现有人在一个群里提问:怎么突破表的最大限制. 有人答复拆分成多个表.这个看似可行的方案讲给后续的开发带来一些麻烦. 看来这个小问题还是困扰了一些开发.希望本文能够解决你的这个疑问.


    当自定义表时,或者通过增强的方式给标准表添加自定义字段时,如果所有字段的长度总计超过了4030,系统会报错阻止表的创建或调整 报错消息 D0 519.

    当然,如果是增强单据抬头或明细表字段, 因为BAPI传递的长度最大960(局限于结构BAPIPAREX. 如果增强字段总长度超过了960,通过BAPI传递会有部分字段丢失. 此时就需要调整BAPI传递字段的方式了. 因为与本文主题无关,就不赘诉了.


    通过消息号查询NOTE ,可以找到SAP给出的原因及解决办法


    During the activation of a transparent table, activation error D0 519 occurs because the width of the table exceeds 4030 "bytes".

    Other Terms

    D0519, D0 519

    Reason and Prerequisites

    Because SAP supports various database platforms, you must make sure that tables are defined in the ABAP Dictionary so that they can be created on all platforms. In each case, the minimum required database platforms for an R/3 release are taken into account for this.Before SAP Basis 6.20 Support Package 25, the limit was 1962. When the limit was increased to 4030, the restriction of 1962 in lower releases became invalid. It can be increased to 4030 there, too.

    In the display, the unit "byte" is used for the table width. This essentially corresponds to the work area width for a non-Unicode configuration. For other system configurations, the value should be seen rather as a virtual unit and a distinction should be made from the width in real bytes.


    To increase each limit above 4030 (1962), the value of the constant TABLEN in the program RADTBCON must be changed accordingly. This is a modification of the SAP standard system. It must then be retained in the modification adjustment of upgrades, too.The following paragraph applies only to Basis releases below 610:If you have changed the constant in RADTBCON, this change must also be made for RESULT_WA in the include LSDFCTOP. Otherwise, "SAPSQL_SELECT_WA_TOO_SMALL" terminations would occur if a table beyond the formerly valid limit were used as a check table in a foreign key relationship.


    SAP为了兼容各种数据库,限制了表的最大长度. 目前时4030个字符.超过长度就会报错. 如果确保你的数据库系统支持超过4030个字符(目前的主流数据库都没有这个限制了). 可以通过修改程序RADTBCON中的变量 TABLEN VIEWLEN



    NOTE中提到的必须跟着修改INCLUDE 程序LSDFCTOP 中的变量长度RESULT_WA  .这个根据版本不同,有点差别. HANA 1709版本已经不需要这个长度限制了 .


    很多问题其实都可以在SAP NOTES上找到答案. 但是因为种种原因,很多开发没有登陆SAP NOTES的账号. 所以也没有培养这个查询NOTES的习惯. 貌似bing或google检索也能搜索到SAP NOTES 中的内容. 只是查看详细内容时还是需要跳转登陆.



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        本文标题:问题解决之 突破表最大长度限制
