英语笔记 | Level 10-Unit 1

英语笔记 | Level 10-Unit 1

作者: 阿雅_Aya | 来源:发表于2019-01-12 17:13 被阅读1次



    There are five items on today's agenda. 今天的日程有五项。
    The merger of our two companies is still going ahead. 我们两家公司的并购还在进行中。
    The final decision will be made by the CEO. CEO会做出最终决定。
    The CFO is responsible for reporting all company income. CFO负责汇报公司营收。
    John is our new marketing executive. John是我们的新任销售主管。
    Our biggest challenge is to increase our market share. 我们最大的挑战是增加市场份额。

    We have to figure out a solution to this problem. 我们必须想办法解决这个问题。
    Their CEO resigned last week. 他们的CEO上周辞职了。
    They just fired their marketing executive. 他们刚把销售主管辞了。

    The figures in the report were not accurate. 报告中的数据不准确。
    I was not aware how serious the situation was. 我不知道情况有这么严重。

    OK, everyone. If I could have your attention, please. Let's get started. 好的,各位请注意,会议现在开始。
    Does everyone have an agenda? As you can see, we have three items to discuss today. 每个人都拿到日程表了吗?如大家所见,我们今天要讨论三个事项。

    Thank you all for coming today. I know how busy you all are. 感谢大家到场。我知道你们都很忙。

    The purpose of today's meeting is to discuss the CFO's resignation and her replacement. 今天会议的目的是讨论CFO的离职和下一任人选问题。
    We are here because a competitor has proposed a merger with our company. 有家竞争对手提出要和我们公司合并,今天的会议就是要讨论这个问题。

    The first item on the agenda is a company update from the CEO. 日程第一项是由CEO发布公司最新动态。
    OK. Let's begin with item number one, the company update. 好的,我们现在开始进行第一项,公司动态。


    The primary problem is a difference in management style. 首要问题是管理方式的不同。
    The biggest challenge we face is growing competition. 我们面临的最大挑战是日益激烈的竞争。

    A: The biggest problem is their CFO. 最大的问题是他们的CFO。
    B: Could you be more specific? 可以说得具体一点吗?

    For instance, they don't return our phone calls. 比如,他们不回我们的电话。
    The best example I can give is our decreasing market share. 我能想到的最好的例子就是我们的市场份额正在下降。

    每学一个新单词务必注意它的各类词性。有时名词和动词是同一个词;有时动词加上后缀,比如-al或-ion,就变成了名词。看一下不同的词汇。Verb Noun
    start start
    budget budget
    promise promise
    evaluate evaluation
    negotiate negotiation
    resign resignation
    solve solution
    propose proposal

    How could we take the idea one step further? 我们怎么可以让这个问题的讨论更进一步?
    What do you think about team building? Would that solve the problem? 你怎么看团队建设?团队建设可以解决问题吗?
    We need to do something to improve employee morale. 我们需要提高员工士气。

    Yeah, that would be OK. (mild agreement) 是的,这样可以。(温和)
    I think so, too. (agreement) 我也这么想。(直接)
    I agree with you. (agreement) 我同意你。(直接)
    We're on the same page. (agreement) 我们意见一致。(直接)
    I really like that idea. (strong agreement) 我真的喜欢这个主意。(强烈)
    I think those are excellent ideas. (strong agreement) 我认为这些主意非常棒。(强烈)

    I'm not sure I agree with that. (mild disagreement) 我不确定我是否同意(温和)
    I'm sorry, but I disagree. (polite disagreement) 对不起,我不同意。(礼貌)
    I'm not with you on that. (disagreement) 我不同意你的观点。(直接)
    I really disagree with you. (strong disagreement) 我真的不同意你。(强烈)
    I think that's a terrible idea. (very strong disagreement) 我认为这个想法很糟糕。(非常强烈)

    One way to solve the problem might be to increase the training budget. 增加培训预算可以是解决问题的一个方法。
    At least let's talk about increasing the training budget. 至少要讨论一下增加培训预算的问题。
    How difficult would it be to increase the training budget? 增加培训预算很难吗?

    I'd like to propose that we increase the training budget. 我想提议提高培训预算。
    I propose that we increase the training budget. 我提议提高培训预算。
    Let's take that one step further and increase the training budget. 让我们再进一步,增加培训预算。

    I'll help you. 我帮你。
    I promise I won't spread any rumors. 我保证不散播任何谣言。
    I'm sure that team coordination will improve. 我相信团队协作会有改进的。

    用一般将来时be going to来谈论计划或预测。
    He is going to travel to Mexico City next week. 下周他会去墨西哥城。
    I believe we're going to have a merger. 我相信我们会实行并购。

    用将来进行时will或be going to加动词be和一个现在分词来谈论将来会发生的持续性的动作。
    I'll be doing some back and forth between here and Mexico. 我会从这儿到墨西哥之间往返好几趟。
    She's going to be running the office while he's away. 他不在时由她主持工作。

    用将来完成时will或be going to,动词have加上一个过去分词来讨论将来某个时间点已经完成的动作。
    The meeting will have concluded by the time you return. 等你回来会议都结束了。
    We won't have finished the project by next week. 下周项目完成不了。

    当需要在讨论中开始一个新观点时可以用到这些表达。当你需要一点时间思考时可以用let me see。
    Let me see. The next point of discussion is challenges in the coming year. 让我想想。下个要讨论的话题是明年面临的挑战。
    The next item on the agenda is an update from our CFO. 日程下一项是来自CFO的最新信息。
    Moving on, let's discuss the plan to expand overseas. 下一步,让我们来讨论一下海外扩张的问题。
    Oh, and one more thing: we need to discuss a change in employee insurance. 哦,还有一件事。我们要讨论一下员工保险的一个变动。

    Now, as I was saying, our competitive situation in Europe has changed. 正像我刚才说的,我们在欧洲的竞争局面已经发生了变化。
    Now, where was I? Oh, yes – the sales figures for last quarter. 我刚说到哪儿了?哦,是的,上个季度的销售额。
    Getting back to my point, I think a merger is not an option. 回到我的观点,我认为并购是不可取的。

    如果要结束会议,通常先会预示会议即将结束,然后再讨论接下来每个人需要完成的任务,也就是next steps。最后主持会议的人感谢所有人的到场。

    OK, I know we're all busy, so let's conclude this meeting quickly. 好的,我知道大家都很忙,所以我们快点结束吧。
    I think that's about it. Let's wrap things up. 我认为差不多了。来做个总结吧。
    Unless anyone has anything else, I think we're ready to talk about next steps. 如果没有人有任何别的意见,我觉得我们可以讨论下一步计划了。

    I'll follow up on finding a better location for the office. 我会继续寻找更好的办公地点。
    Moving forward, we will need to learn more about our competition. 未来我们需要了解更多竞争对手的情况。

    As a next step, let's all think about ways to improve communication. 下一步,让我们想想如何改进沟通。

    I just want to say again that this discussion is confidential. 我只想再说一遍,这次讨论是保密的。
    Nothing we've discussed here leaves this room. 所有我们在这儿说过的话都不会离开这个屋子。

    OK, that's it for now. Thank you all for coming. 好了,就到这儿。感谢大家的参加。
    I think we're finished here. Thanks very much to you all. 我想我们该结束了。非常感谢诸位。
    This has been a very productive meeting. I appreciate all of you being here. 这次会议非常有成效。感谢各位的参加。

    Verb Noun
    regret regret
    doubt doubt
    pressure pressure
    replace replacement
    integrate integration
    congratulate congratulations

    A: Do you regret turning down the job? 拒绝这份工作你后悔吗?
    B: Yes, I do have some doubts. 是的,我犹豫过。

    A: I'm under a lot of pressure right now. 我现在压力很大。
    B: You mean, due to the integration of the two companies? 你是说,因为两家公司的合并?
    A: Yes. I'm afraid that if I don't do my job well, they'll replace me. 是的,我担心如果我的工作做不好,他们会把我换掉。

    A: Congratulations on your promotion! 祝贺你升职!
    B: Thanks, but no need to congratulate me. It just means more work. 谢谢,不过不需要祝贺我,这代表我又要做更多的工作了。

    Do you have any regrets about leaving the company? 离开公司你后悔过吗?
    Do you regret turning down the job? 拒绝这份工作你后悔吗?

    I wish I had accepted the job. 我要是接受这份工作就好了。
    She regrets that she didn't accept the position. 她后悔没有接受这个职位。
    She regrets turning down the position. 她后悔拒绝这份工作。
    We should have hired the other candidate. 我们当时应该雇用另外一个候选人。

    用What's done is done.来表示接受现实。
    What's done is done. 木已成舟。

    She proposed that the board of directors replace the CFO. 她提议由董事会取代CFO。
    He decided the merger didn't make sense. 他认为并购不合理。
    We all agreed that it was a reasonable move. 我们都觉得这是一个合理的变动。
    I suggested we move quickly. 我建议快点行动。

    注意,有些表示紧急情况或重要性的动词后面跟的是名词性从句,句中动词用的是原形。这叫the subjunctive(虚拟语气)。
    The CEO insisted that we be on time. CEO强调我们必须准时。
    I suggested that he take the job. 我建议他接受这份工作。



        本文标题:英语笔记 | Level 10-Unit 1
