- 手把手一步一步教你使用Java开发一个大型街机动作闯关类游戏07
- 手把手一步一步教你使用Java开发一个大型街机动作闯关类游戏14
- 手把手一步一步教你使用Java开发一个大型街机动作闯关类游戏20
- 手把手一步一步教你使用Java开发一个大型街机动作闯关类游戏21
- 手把手一步一步教你使用Java开发一个大型街机动作闯关类游戏15
- 手把手一步一步教你使用Java开发一个大型街机动作闯关类游戏17
- 手把手一步一步教你使用Java开发一个大型街机动作闯关类游戏16
- 手把手一步一步教你使用Java开发一个大型街机动作闯关类游戏18
- 手把手一步一步教你使用Java开发一个大型街机动作闯关类游戏19
- 手把手一步一步教你使用Java开发一个大型街机动作闯关类游戏06
package managers;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.awt.event.KeyListener;
public class InputManager implements KeyListener {
private static InputManager singleton = null;
protected InputManager() {
public static InputManager getInstance() {
if(singleton==null) {
singleton = new InputManager();
return singleton;
private int[] keys = new int[256];
private boolean[] key_state_up = new boolean[256];
private boolean[] key_state_down = new boolean[256];
private boolean keyPressed = false;
private boolean keyReleased = false;
private char keyChar;
public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) {
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
if( e.getKeyCode() >= 0 && e.getKeyCode() < 256 ) {
keys[e.getKeyCode()] = (int) System.currentTimeMillis();
key_state_down[e.getKeyCode()] = true;
key_state_up[e.getKeyCode()] = false;
keyPressed = true;
keyReleased = false;
public char getKeyChar(){
return keyChar;
public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) {
if( e.getKeyCode() >= 0 && e.getKeyCode() < 256 ) {
keys[e.getKeyCode()] = 0;
key_state_up[e.getKeyCode()] = true;
key_state_down[e.getKeyCode()] = false;
keyChar = e.getKeyChar();
keyPressed = false;
keyReleased = true;
public boolean isKeyDown( int key ) {
return key_state_down[key];
public boolean isKeyUp( int key ) {
return key_state_up[key];
public boolean isAnyKeyDown() {
return keyPressed;
public boolean isAnyKeyUp() {
return keyReleased;
public void update() {
key_state_up = new boolean[256];
keyReleased = false;
package main;
import managers.InputManager;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
* This is just a simple test example for the input manager snippet. It is
* just a simple frame and a threaded loop that runs about every 16 milliseconds
* or so which is 62.5 times per second.
public class InputManagerTest extends Frame implements Runnable {
// The test input manager
private final InputManager input;
// Used to only start the looping thread once.
private boolean isTestLoopRunning = false;
* Add the InputManager as the KeyListener to the Frame.
public InputManagerTest() {
input = InputManager.getInstance();
this.addComponentListener(new ComponentAdapter() {
public void componentShown(ComponentEvent e) {
* Starts a new thread using this class as the Runnable instance for that
* thread.
public void startTestLoop() {
//only want to run once.
if (!isTestLoopRunning) {
(new Thread(this)).start();
isTestLoopRunning = true;
* The meat of the test to check and make sure the input manager is working
* correctly.
public void run() {
System.out.println("Start Test Loop");
//use this to test how many times the loop detects a key is down
int count = 0;
//run while the frame is showing
while (this.isShowing()) {
// run test cases
if (input.isAnyKeyDown()) {
System.out.println("Some key is down");
if (input.isAnyKeyUp()) {
System.out.println("Some key is up");
if(input.isKeyDown(KeyEvent.VK_SPACE)) {
System.out.println("Spacebar is down");
if(input.isKeyUp(KeyEvent.VK_SPACE)) {
System.out.println("Spacebar is up");
System.out.format("Spacebar detected down %d times\n", count);
count = 0; //reset the counter
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} // just do a constant 16 milliseconds
System.out.println("End Test Loop");
* Main method to use to run the test from, it creates a basic awt frame and
* displays the frame.
* @param args Command line arguments.
public static void main(String[] args) {
final Frame frame = new InputManagerTest(); //create our test class.
// set a default size for the window, basically just give it some area.
frame.setSize(640, 480);
frame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); // centers window on screen
// Need to add this to handle window closing events with the awt Frame.
frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent arg0) {
// show the frame
Start Test Loop
Some key is down
Spacebar is down
Some key is down
Spacebar is down
Some key is down
Spacebar is down
Some key is down
Spacebar is down
Some key is down
Spacebar is down
Some key is down
Spacebar is down
Some key is up
Spacebar is up
Spacebar detected down 6 times
End Test Loop
Process finished with exit code 0