

作者: 希亚魔法书 | 来源:发表于2021-08-20 14:06 被阅读0次

Atlas was one of a group of gods called Titans. He was the son of the Titan Iapetus and a sea nymph named Clymene, and the brother of Prometheus. Atlas and the other Titans fought a war against Zeus and the other Olympian gods, but were defeated. Zeus punished Atlas by forcing him to stand and support the sky on his shoulders forever.

阿特拉斯是提坦巨神之一, 伊阿珀托斯和海仙克吕墨涅的儿 子,普罗米修斯的兄弟。阿特拉 斯与众提坦一起与以宙斯为首的 奥林匹斯众神作战,失败后,宙 斯罚他永远肩负天空。

The famous Greek hero Heracles asked Atlas for help in taking the golden apples guard�ed by the Hesperides, who were the daughters of Atlas. Heracles offered to take Atlas' burden for a while if Atlas would fetch the golden ap�ples for him. Atlas happily agreed, thinking to get rid of the wearying load forever.

著名的希腊英雄赫拉克勒斯 为获得由赫斯珀里得斯四姊妹看 守的金苹果,曾请求阿特拉斯帮 助,因为赫斯珀里得斯四姊妹是 阿特拉斯的女儿。在阿特拉斯离 开期间,赫拉克勒斯愿意暂时代 替他肩负天空。阿特拉斯欣然同 意,心想可以就此永远摆脱重负。

When he returned with the apples, Atlas refused to take back the sky. But Heracles was cleverer. He asked Atlas to take the burden back for a mo�ment while he arranged a pad to ease the pres�sure on his shoulders. Atlas assumed the load again, and Heracles departed with the apples.

苹果取来后,阿特拉斯无意接过重担,但赫拉克勒斯比他聪明。他请阿特拉斯暂时替一替 他,好让他放好垫肩,使肩膀更 舒适些。阿特拉斯把重担接过, 赫拉克勒斯带着苹果扬长而去。

pad:给……装垫肩, 放轻脚步走,在这边是 加垫肩的意思

题外话,插播:非洲西北部的阿特拉斯山脉就是以这位 巨神如名的。在许多美术作品中,阿特拉斯肩 上背负的并非天界,而是地球。16世纪时, 有人幵始用肩负地球的阿特拉斯的图案作为地 图集的卷首插图,因而在英文中称地图集或殖 图集为atlaso另外,在古典建筑中,用做柱子 以支撑檐部、阳台或其他突出部分的、肌肉发 达的男子離像也称为atlaso这样的柱像往往表 现出承担巨大重量的

atlas [ˈætləs] 地图集,身负重担的人

The Olympian Gods:奥林匹斯诸神

The Greeks called their most important gods the Olympians, because they believed these gods lived on Mount Olympus in north�ern Greece. The Olympians were twelve in number. The following is a list of them, with their Roman names in the brackets:

古希腊人将最重要的神祇称 为奥林匹斯诸神,因为他们相信 诸神住在希腊北部的奥林匹斯山奥林匹斯诸神共有12位,分 列如下(括号里是该神在罗马神话中对应的名字):

Zeus (Jupiter): Ruler of the gods. Zeus married his sister Hera.

宙斯(罗马名:朱庇特):众神之主。 他娶了姐姐赫拉为妻。

Hera (Juno): Queen of the gods; goddess of marriage and childbirth; protector of mar�ried women.

赫拉(朱诺):众神之王后, 婚姻和生育女神,已婚妇女的保 护者。

Poseidon (Neptune): God of the sea and earthquakes; brother of Zeus.

波塞冬(尼普顿):海神与地 震之神,宙斯的哥哥。

Athena (Minerva): Goddess of wisdom, arts and crafts, and war; daughter of Zeus.

雅典娜(密涅瓦):智慧女神, 兼司各种制造技艺及战争,宙斯 之女。

Apollo (Apollo): God of the sun, prophe�cy, medicine, music, poetry, and archery; son of Zeus.

阿波罗(阿波罗):太阳神, 兼司预言、医药、音乐、诗歌与 射箭之神,宙斯之子

prophecy [ˈprɒfəsi] 预言,预言的能力

Artemis (Diana): Goddess of the moon, hunting, and chastity; daughter of Zeus and twin sister of Apollo.

阿耳忒弥斯(狄安娜):月神、 狩猎和贞洁女神,宙斯之女,阿波罗的挛生姊妹。

一眼爱人间上美男子Endymion 恩底弥恩, 冷漠的心变得温暖

Aphrodite (Venus): Goddess of beauty and sexual love. According to Hesiod, she sprang from the foam of the sea; but according to

阿佛洛狄忒(维纳斯):爱与 美之女神。据赫西奥德说,她生 于海水的泡沫;据荷马说,她是 宙斯的女儿。

Hermes (Mercury ): Messenger of the gods; protector of travelers, thieves, and merchants; son of Zeus.

赫耳墨斯(墨丘利):神之使 者、旅人、盗贼和商人的守护 神,宙斯之子。


Demeter (Ceres): Goddess of grain; daughter of Cronus and Rhea, sister of Zeus.


希腊纳克索斯岛上,有专门给谷物女神 Demeter的庙宇

Hephaestus(Vulcan): God of fire; black�smith of the gods; son of Zeus and Hera.

赫淮斯托斯(伏尔甘):火神 与冶炼之神,宙斯与赫拉之子。

在仙界也逃不出 颜值定律,这个丑丑的火神,还是受到一点点歧视的


你把美神的阿芙洛狄忒的 对应的 罗马名字,大声的说出来,

维纳斯, ------ Venus


Ares (Mars): God of war; son of Zeus and Hera.

阿瑞斯(玛尔斯):战神,宙斯 与赫拉之子。


战神,是相当帅气的,也是相当暴躁的 他和 Athena 雅典娜比起来,缺少了些智慧

他姑妈 阿芙洛狄忒 (维纳斯) 也是 那个什么, 外表协会的,就是看上他长的帅了

Mars 火星 Martian -----火星救援

Hestia(Vesta): Goddess of the hearth and symbol of the home and family; daughter of Cronus and Rhea, sister of Zeus.

赫斯提(维斯太):灶神,家 庭生活的象征,克洛诺斯与瑞亚 之女,宙斯的姐姐。

灶神 赫斯提 虽然名字在东方没有那么大,她终生贞洁,专心为大众服务

Three important gods were associated with the 12 Olympians. They were Hades, ruler of the Underworld and brother of Zeus; Diony�sus, god of wine and son of Zeus; and Pan, god of the forest and pastures.

此外,还有三个重要的神与 奥林匹斯诸神关系密切。他们是 哈得斯,冥界之神,宙斯的哥 哥;狄俄尼索斯,酒神,宙斯之 子;潘,山林荒野之神。

pasture 牧草地,牧场 放牧

可以和这个单词相关联,peasant 农民 ,乡下人

题外话:由于奥林匹斯诸神个个威风凜凛,气派不凡,英文形容词Olympian意为’如天神一 般威严、高傲或冷峻的"。



Zeus was the youngest son of Cronus and Rhea, and the brother of the Poseidon, Hades, Hestia, Demeter, and Hera. Zeus led his broth�ers and sisters in a war against his father Cronus and the other Titans. After he overthrew Cronus, he became the god of the sky and ruler of the Olympian gods. His brother Poseidon was giv�en power over the sea, and the other brother, Hades, power over the Underworld. The earth was to be ruled in common by all three. The Greeks believed Zeus was all-powerful and all�knowing. As a sky and weather god, his wea�pons were thunder and the thunderbolts. The eagle and the oak tree were sacred to him.

克洛诺斯和瑞亚最小的 儿子,波塞冬、哈得斯、赫斯提、 得墨忒耳和赫拉的弟弟。宙斯率领 众兄弟姊妹同父亲克洛诺斯、提坦 巨神作战,推翻父亲后,他成为天 界之神,奥林匹斯诸神之首。他的 长兄波塞冬分治海洋,哈得斯分治 冥界。大地由三神共同治理。古希 腊人认为宙斯无所不能、无所不 知。作为天气之神,他的武器是雷弓 霆与闪电。他的圣物是鹰和栋树。

sacred [ˈseɪkrɪd] 宗教的,神圣的,值得崇敬的

这个单词和 害怕 scared 我会经常看混淆

sacred sacred sacred 念三遍

oak 橡木

all�knowing 让我想到了迪卡侬

Decathlon ------迪卡侬 这个单词 decathlon : 十项全能

In the writings of the Greeks, Zeus is pic�tured in two very different ways. He is repre�sented as the god of justice and mercy, who protected the weak, and punished the wicked. At the same time, he is described as having many love affairs with goddesses and mortal women. In his affairs with goddesses, he be�came the father of Apollo, Artemis, Hermes, Dionysus, and Athena; in those with mortal women, he became the father of Helen, Per�seus, Heracles and others.

希腊的文学作品对宙斯有两 种不同的描述。一方面,他是正义 与慈悲之神,惩治邪恶、保护弱 者;另一方面,他淫荡好色,与众 多女神和人间妇女有染。与女神结 合,生下阿波罗、阿耳忒弥斯、赫 耳墨斯、狄俄尼索斯和雅典娜;与 人间妇女结合,生下海伦、珀耳修 斯、赫拉克勒斯等人

wicked adj. 邪恶的;顽皮的;恶劣的;不道德的

wicked的 发音大家注意一下 [ˈwikid] kid

不是一般的后面加ed 直接念d, 这个单词本身带着ed ,所以念 wikid, kid

When he approached mortal women, he frequently disguised himself. He came to Europa as a bull, to Leda as a swan, to Danae as a shower of gold, and to Alcmene as her own husband.

与 人间妇女结合,生下海伦、珀耳修 斯、赫拉克勒斯等人。亲近人间妇女时,他总要变化成别的模样,如 接近欧罗巴,他化为公牛;接近勒 达,化为天鹅;接近达那厄,化为 一阵金雨;接近阿尔克墨涅,干脆装成她的丈夫

The Roman god Jupiter has many of the same characteristics and powers as Zeus, but seems to be more like the protector of Rome and stands for the power of the Roman Empire.

在特征与权力方面,罗马神朱 庇特与宙斯有许多共同之处,但他 似乎更像是罗马的保护者,罗马帝 国权力的象征。

stand for ……象征

In art, Zeus is depicted as bearded and majestic, often holding a thunderbolt. The most celebrated of all statues of Zeus was Phidias' gold and ivory colossus at Olympia.

在美术作品中,宙斯是个虬髯 大汉,气宇轩昂,威风凛凛,手中 常持有闪电。宙斯最著名的雕像是 古希腊雕刻家菲迪亚斯的作品。

majestic 宏伟的

ivory [ˈaɪvəri] 象牙 象牙制品,象牙色


希赠神话反映了人性的觉醒。众神与人 类无异,都有七情六欲、恢食男女、悲欢离 合。希腊人认为人应与神一样,享受生活的 -切乐趣。

莫扎特的第41号交响曲因第一乐章气 势雄伟,大有众神之王朱氏特的气派所以被称为“朱疣特交响曲”。

与朱疣特有关的英文词有 Jove,朱疣特的别祢,在表示惊讶 或强调时.人们有会.说:“By Jove I w此外还有形容洞Jovian, 意为如朱庇特一般有帝王气派 的;jovial,意为“脾气随和、心 情快活的”,这与占星术士对木星 的迷信有关。人们常用jovial描述 圣诞老人的性格。



Aphrodite,阿芙洛狄忒是海的泡沫,是Olympian 12主神中辈分最高的。她算是第一代神王Uranus的XX扔到海里变身的。第二代神王:Cronus。第三代神王:Zeus

Atlas happily agreed, thinking to get rid of the wearying load forever

wearying adj. 疲倦的;厌烦的;令人厌烦的

vi. 厌烦;疲倦

vt. 使疲倦;使厌烦


In the form = disguise 伪装

a blessing in disguise 因祸得福

gadfly 牛虻

lyre 七弦竖琴

ancestor 祖先,descendant 后代

draw lots(抽签):To decide something by picking an item, often a slip of paper, at random. Let's draw lots to decide who will go first—it's the only fair way to do it.

horse-drawn chariot n. 敞篷双轮马车(古代用于战争或竞赛),战车

armour 盔甲,有个运动系列牌子是Under Armour 安德玛

savage love 野蛮的爱。这个单词听起来容易和sandwich混淆

stately= elegant 高贵的

spear and shield 长矛和盾牌

sacred 神圣的 petrify吓呆,使麻木

海王的武器是三叉戟,trident. 这个单词里的词根是dent,来自希腊语odontos, 拉丁语dens, 表示“牙,齿”,很多包含dent部分的英语单词,其含义多跟“齿”相关。例如

dent 齿,凹槽;

dentist 牙医;

denture 假牙;

indented 锯齿状的;

periodontal 牙周的。


tricycle 三轮车;

triangle 三角形;

triple 三倍的;

所以tri+dent就是三个齿,即三叉戟 。

海王的英文单词是aquaman,这个单词里面有一个非常重要的拉丁词根aqua, 表示“水”。包含aqua的英语单词,多跟“水”有关,例如:

aquarium 水族馆,养鱼池(后缀rium表示场所,例如auditorium礼堂);

aquanaut 海底观察员(后缀naut表示人,例如astronaut航天员);

aquaculture 水产养殖(词根cult表示“培养”,例如agriculture农业,ure为名词后缀);

aquatic 水的,水生的(tic是典型的形容词后缀);

Aquarius 水瓶座;

subaqua 水下的(前缀sub表示“下”,例如subway地铁)


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