本文来自《经济学人》The Economist June 17th 2017 Leaders专栏
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Housing markets 房产市场
Maple grief 悲伤的枫叶
The lessons from Canada’s attempts to curb its house-price boom
IN MATTERS of finance, if not climate, Canada is usually temperate. It was barely moved by the economic storms that blew the roof off America and Europe in 2008-09. Its banks were steady, it was argued,in part because they were shielded fromthe ferocious competition for marketshare that pushed banks elsewhere into hazardous loans. For all that, in its housing market Canada has lately become a place of extremes.
Household debt has climbed toalmost 170% of post-tax income. House prices rose by 20% in the year to April.Looked at relative to rents,they have deviated from theirl ong-run average by more than any other big country The Economist covers in its global house-price index. InToronto, one of two cities,along with Vancouver, where the boom has been concentrated,rental yields are barely above the cost of borrowing, even though interest rates are at record lows. In itstwice-yearly health-check on the financial system, published this month, theBank of Canada concluded that“extrapolative expectations” are a feature of the market. In other words,people are buying because they hope, or fear, that prices will keep rising.
long-run average长期平均状况
conclud 得出结论
feature 特征
Canadais not alone. House prices alsolook highrelative to rentsin Australia, where a few cities, notably Sydney and Melbourne,are booming. Prices in some American cities, such as Seattle and San Francisco,have been rising much faster than the national market, which looks reasonablypriced.
Common to all these cities are buyersfrom emerging markets,notablyChina, who have helped to drive a wedge between the price of homes andthe local fundamentals of incomesand rental payments. They are willing to pay above the odds to secure a safe place for theirsavings. Though fairly small innumber, their presence is enough to inflate bubbles.
Commonto all
drive a wedge
Canada’s housing market thus opens a window on a tragic flaw in the global economy. In only afew decades China has mastered the manufacture of high-quality goods.But it takes far longer to be able to manufacture safe stores of value.Instead, their affluent citizens seek out rich-countryassets, including houses.This fundamental mismatch limits theability of policymakers to stop bubbles from inflating.
tragic flaw (悲剧主角性格中的)悲剧性缺点
Raising interest rates, which stand at just 0.5% in Canada, might seem the obvious answer. The economy is recovering and this week the Bank of Canada’s deputy governor has hinted that rates might climb.But several rises in successio nmight be needed to cool the housing market and that would probably send theeconomy into recession.
stand at
deputy governor副总裁
Theauthorities have instead attempted to deal with the problem at its source. Last summer Vancouver imposed a 15% taxon foreigners’ house purchases. The city’s property market has since cooled.But one effect of this extra taxhas been to shift housing demand to other places, such as nearby Victoria, and to Toronto, where house-priceinflation is above 30%. The province of Ontario imposed a similar tax in April,prompting fears of a price surge inMontreal. To improve the supply of rental properties, Ontario has also permitted cities to slap a tax on vacant homes. That will help, but it will not solve the problem. There are tentative signs that prices in Vancouver are reviving,suggesting that the tax there has only deterred foreign buyers temporarily. In any event, some foreign owners hope to settle in Canada soon, and so will be entitled to claim a rebate.
Inany event不管发生什么事,在任何情况下,无论如何
entitledto享有; [法]有权要求;
There is no fail-safe administrative tool for curbing house-price booms.The best course is to insure against the falloutfrom a house-price bust. Canada has been more active in this than mostcountries.People with mortgages above 80% of the value of the home on which it is secured are obliged to pay for insurance against default.The underwriting standardson such mortgages havebeen steadily tightened. Canada’s biggest banks have some protection againstpotential storms. They are highly profitable and exceed internationalbenchmarks for capital.
house-price bust房价泡沫
The underwriting standards承销标准
Strong foundations
Even so, a further tightening of such macroprudential measures would be wise, not because it would do much to slow the rise in house prices but as insurance against their eventual fall. The demand from emerging markets for safe assets will not soondiminish. Recent history shows that big run-ups in property prices oftenreverse suddenly. Better to batten down the hatches now in case the weatherturns bad.
batten downthe hatches封舱,(船只)在暴雨前作好准备