2022-12-10 Chronic Anxiety

2022-12-10 Chronic Anxiety

作者: 春生阁 | 来源:发表于2022-12-09 09:48 被阅读0次

Many people end up chronically anxious because they’re so afraid of their anger that they’ll take on any amount of stress in order to avoid it.

On the face of it, people who are chronically anxious look the exact opposite of angry. If anything they come across as meek, unassuming, or even pushovers.

But here’s the thing…

Just because you don’t look and act angry doesn’t mean you’re not feeling angry.

Anger is a natural human emotion we all feel as a result of injustice or boundary violations. For example:

  • If a bully steals your lunch at school, it’s natural to feel angry about it.
  • If you watch a news report of some innocent person being abused or taken advantage of, you’re going to feel angry about it.
  • If your spouse sarcastically criticizes your outfit, you’re probably going to feel angry about it.

And more than just a sign that some injustice has been committed, anger is also fuel for rectifying it…


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