

作者: 傅处暑 | 来源:发表于2018-05-14 13:29 被阅读0次


n. 肾,肾脏

Eg. It may be your kidneys , let me check.


n. [总称]亲属,家属

Who is your next of kin ?


vt. 1。编结,编织;2。使紧密地结合,使紧凑;3。皱紧,皱(眉)

vi. 1。编织,编结;2。(骨折)愈合

Eg.Yes, it took three weeks to knit .


n. 1。(门、抽屉的)球形把手,球形柄;2。(收音机等的)旋扭;3。小块

Eg.The potatoes are best with a knob of butter.


n. 指节

vi. 1. (down) 开始努力工作;2.(under)屈服

Eg.What happened to your knuckles ? They are bleeding.


n. 1.网眼花边,透空织品,花边;2.鞋带,系带

vt. (up) 用系带束紧

Eg. Be careful, your laces are undone.


vt. 1.哀悼,痛惜;2.抱怨,为...而遗憾

vi. 哀悼,悲痛

n. 挽歌,悼词

Eg.I am lamenting the loss of my dear friend.


n. 1.失误,疏忽;2.(时间的)流逝,间隔;3.(兴趣等的)减少,(信心的)丧失;4.陷入(或进入)(某种状态)(into)

vi. 1.终止,失效;2.(into)陷入(或进入)...状态

Eg. I saw my father again after a lapse of twenty years.


v. 1.(用绳索等)将(物品)系牢;2.鞭打,抽打,(风,雨等)猛烈打击;3.猛烈抨击,严厉斥责

n. 1.鞭子,鞭端绳索(或皮条);2.鞭打;3.眼睫毛;4.鞭梢

lash out (at) 猛烈抨击

Eg.Don’t lash out at me, he was the one that started it.


a. 潜在的,隐伏的,不易察觉的

Eg.I know you have the ability to do the task, it is latent within you.



