

作者: 臭臭家的笨小呆 | 来源:发表于2020-05-25 13:22 被阅读0次

Daliy Sentence:

Life is short,if you ever come across a beautiful, exciting, crazy moment in it,you gotta seize it while you can before that moment's gone.

ever:美 /ˈevər/ adv. 永远;曾经;究竟

二、idiomatic expression:

1. a bad apple:

a bad apple spoils the bunch.

bunch:美 /bʌntʃ/ n. 群;串;突出物 vt. 使成一串;使打褶 vi. 隆起;打褶;形成一串

"a person whose own words or actions negatively impacts an entire group of people.即坏人,害群之马,坏家伙。

如:1.You should keep this in your mind,donot be a bad apple. 2. James is really a bad apple.he has ruined everything we're done.

2. big apple:纽约(当时纽约经济衰败,许多银行潦倒,都被迫以卖苹果卫生,所以苹果对纽约人有着不一样的意义)

如:Big apple is the neckname of New York.

3. apples and oranges

"to compare things that are very different"

如:You cannot compare those two companies,they're apples and oranges.

4. polish the apple(拍马屁,讨好)--过去在美国学生为了讨好老师,就将苹果擦得闪闪发亮然后送去给老师)

如:he tried to polish the apple to his boss for promotion.

5.Adam's apple(喉结)---这一说法来源于圣经,愿意是夏娃在蛇的诱惑下吃了善恶果,并且分给了亚当,亚当吃着卡住了喉中,留下了一个结块,就成了喉结~~

如:Why do men's have Adam's apple but women don't?

6.wise apple(自以为是,傲慢的年轻人)

如:he is a wise apple and no one likes him.



如:thousands of fans

结构:数字+数词单数形式+名词复数形式:two thousand fans



A:Are you nearly packed?


A:Let's see,I have wall chargers(插座充电器) for my cell phone and other devices,extra memory cards(备用记忆卡) for my camera,and noise-callceling headphones(消音耳机)for the airplane.

B:oh,yeah, I forget to pack my headphones.I'd better dig them out right now.(翻出某物)

A:I've also packed protable batteries(可携带的电池) for our devices in case we run out of power enroute(在路上).I've also brought a power strip(电源板) to use in our hotel room.


A:Hotel rooms never have enough outlets(电源插座).

B:That's true.I hadn't thought of that.maybe i should bring one too. Between the two of us,we have a lot of gadgets(小的设备) to plug in.

A: I'm bringing some cables in case we want to hook up(勾搭某人,此处理解为连接) our devices to the TV.

B:Don't you think that's overkill(过犹不及)?

A:Not at all. How else will be entertain ourselves for an entire week?

1.gadget: 美 /ˈɡædʒɪt/

n. 小玩意;小器具;小配件;诡计

2. plug:美 /plʌɡ/

n. 插头;塞子;栓 vt. 插入;塞住;接插头 vi. 塞住;用插头将与电源接通


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