作者: 微笑的小鱼99 | 来源:发表于2019-02-17 01:31 被阅读14次


so many days has past

when was it you saw a shadow of me for last

running over the world everything must be done fast

even in my dreams i can only be your guest

do you still remember our nights of passion

time is changed and they are no longer in fashion

everything must be in a hurry judged in time

no sweetness anymore all taste like lime 

Jesus cannot save us anymore

Buddha cannot reach our soul, our core

all so dear to all

cannot free us from the fall

we are moving into a new time to find

fortune and fame and forget the kind

of world we are moving over in a rush

all life on the way we do crush

sorry I have no time today my love

making money, fame and fortune all go above

your little hopes of peace and strong desire

all you can do is hope and keep up a fire 

time of work and rest

you know life offers more and all the best

when you lay down in your bed

with close eyes wishing you were dead

is this the life you had planned

or are you creating your name into a brand

a sticker written on, this peace is of high value

treasure it as if it was something true

oh life is so short and I still to do so many thing

shit forgot to send you my wedding ring 

oh you have left me for another

is that something I have to bother

rush my friends, always running for the goal

race for pride and winning like soccer players for the bowl

we've got no time to take a rest

run like crazy till we kill our self at lest

By Arnaud van der Veere



