

作者: 汉语故事 | 来源:发表于2019-03-17 11:56 被阅读0次


原创: 斧子的二当家 汉语故事 2月18日


I had a big yellow dog







Hot news show that in the recent years more and more people pay attention to mutt dogs. It has become a mainstream trend to call for protection of Mutt Dogs and for love to these handsome animals. And everyone loves stories of Mutt Dogs.

最近在土狗爱好者中,常常流传着极品土狗的传说。很多朋友对极品土狗趋之若鹜,如痴如醉。网络中生活中围绕极品土狗晒照片的,求鉴别的,需供应的,求抱养的,越来越多 ,热闹非凡。

Recently, the legend of the top grade mutt dog has often been told among dog lovers. Many friends are really crazy about the top grade ones. In the Online Life around the top grade mutt dogs there are more and more people showing pictures of them, identifying the really good ones, asking for adoption and so on.


But how does a top grade mutt dog look like? What kind of mutt dog is worthy the honor of being ranked a top grade one? This reminds me of my dog.


When I was young and lived in the countryside, a mutt dog of Ning Lao Gui from the neighboring village gave birth to a few puppies, so I went to pick one up. Later, when it grew up, it was called Rhubarb.

城里人养狗,和狗有深厚的感情。在他们眼里,他们养的不是狗,而是自己的配偶,儿子,或者弟弟妹妹。因为爱狗而养狗,他们大多会选择养纯种狗,他们会为狗穿衣戴帽,建 一个舒适的狗窝。狗狗生病,他们也会花大量的钱给狗看病。狗狗死了他们会特别难过,会伤心哭泣。

People in the city that keep dogs have deep feelings for them. In their eyes, they don’t raise dogs, but merely their spouses, sons, or siblings. They keep dogs for love, so they will choose to keep the purebred dogs. They would make them wear a dog clothes and even build a comfortable kennel. When a dog gets sick, they would spend a lot of money on the treatment. When a dog dies, they will be really sad and cry a lot.

许多城市都制定了养狗制度,对养狗进行了规范。什么狗能养,什么狗不能养,养狗要承担哪些责任等,都有详细的制度规范予以约束。遛狗时会用绳子牵着,也会定期给狗打狂 犬疫苗。

Many cities have set-up a dog system to regulate dog ownership. What kind of dog can be kept, what kind of dog cannot be kept, what kind of duties a dog owner should fulfill etc., a system of detailed rules and norms which should be followed. When you go for a walk, you take your dog on a leash, and you remember to give your dog a rabies vaccine regularly.

而在我的老家乡下,养狗就是养狗。养的大多也是土狗,只是看家的,或者看好玩随便养养。狗狗死了就死了,完全和狗没有太多的感情。既不会为狗付出什么,也不讲究好好养 狗,根本都不知道狗粮是什么,更不懂要为狗打疫苗,只是给狗喂一些剩饭剩菜。

In my hometown, the rural area, you can mostly see mutt dogs. Majority of dogs raised here are also mutt dogs, just to watch the house, or have pleasure from raising them. When a dog dies, it just dies. There actually isn’t much affection for the dog. People will neither pay money for the dog nor pay attention to raise it properly to be a good dog. People don't know what a dog food is, or how to vaccinate a dog. They would just feed the dog with some leftovers.

我养狗的时候也一样,大黄的食物很简单,一般都是把每餐吃剩的饭菜留给它。大黄会很快乐的把饭菜特别是肉骨头吃完,摇摇尾巴表示很高兴。每当到了饭点的时候,大黄饿了 就会在外面汪汪的叫,在饭桌底下钻来钻去,在主人的腿边蹭来蹭去。

It was the same when I raised the dog. The food for Rhubarb was very simple, and usually I would give him some leftovers from every meal. Rhubarb would be happy to finish the meal, especially the meat bones, and his tail would be waving cheerfully. Whenever there was the time for dinner, Rhubarb would start barking outside, crawl under the table and rub on his owner's legs.

每当我在吃排骨、筒子骨或者鸡、鸭、鱼的时候,它抬头眼巴巴地望着我,那种期盼那种渴望那种讨好卖乖的表情,让我很爽很开心。我吃完了肉把骨头朝它一扔,它就欢快地扑 过去,两只前爪紧紧地按住骨头,生怕骨头会飞走一样。

Whenever I was eating pork ribs, cheese bones, or chickens, ducks, and fish, he would keep looking at me to make an eye-contact. I was looking forward for that kind of expression it would always make me very happy. When I finished eating the meat, I would throw the bone to him. He would pounce on it joyfully, and press his front paws on the bone to make sure it would not fly away.


When I scolded him casually, he would hide obediently to one side and make no noise at all for a moment, and then turn his head back again stealthily. Rhubarb was really cute!


My way of keeping a dog is to give it almost unlimited freedom. In the fields, at the pond, in front of the house, wherever Rhubarb likes to go, he’s free to go there. A single shout to call him is enough to make him come back immediately.

大黄从来不会让我为它操心,生病了我都不知道它就忍过去了。大黄对不熟悉的人很凶,张牙舞爪汪汪大叫,一副要吃人的样子,凶神恶煞。陌生人上门,只要我呵斥一声,就乖 乖地躲到主人身后,还摇摇尾巴表示欢迎。它是从不咬家里人的。我经常逗大黄玩,这可能是大黄唯一的娱乐活动,它会跳起来爬在我的身上,抱着我的腿,摇头晃脑表示它很高 兴。

Rhubarb never let me worry about anything. I didn't know if he was sick, he would just suffer quietly until he would recover. Rhubarb was very fierce to unfamiliar people, anytime he would bark loudly, show his teeth and claws. Whenever a stranger would come to the door, I would shout at him to make him calm. Then he would hide obediently behind his owner but also wave his tail to show his happiness for the visitor. He would never bite any family member. I used to play with Rhubarb a lot, which could have been the only entertainment he had. He would jump up and climb on my body, hold my leg, and shake his head to show that he was happy.


Most of the time, I was surrounded by Rhubarb. He would move from left to right, chasing me and behaving like a living toy, running with his big tongue outside of his mouth. Another time catching frogs in the grass, or digging voles in sweet potatoes.

有时候,我带着大黄去山里追野兔子。偶尔,也能追到野鸡呀,田鸡呀,等一些小动物。但老人们总是告诫我,什么都可以去抓,就是不要伤害五大仙。所谓的五大仙,就是狐仙 (狐狸)、黄仙(黄鼠狼)、白仙(刺猬)、柳仙(蛇)和黑仙(乌鸦),动了它们会遭报应的,真的很邪乎。

Sometimes I used to take Rhubarb into the mountains to chase rabbits. Occasionally, we could catch pheasants, field chickens and other small animals. But the old people have always told me, you can catch anything, just don't hurt the Five Great Immortals. The so-called five immortals are: Fox Fairy (a fox), Yellow Fairy (a weasel), White Fairy (a hedgehog), Willow Fairy (a snake) and Black Fairy (a crow). If you hurt them, you will be punished. That really sounds incredible.

老家还有个说法,叫狗来福,意思是狗进谁的家呆着不走,谁家就是有福气的。听老辈人传说:狗通人性。狗在晚上的叫声有个特点,叫的快就是咬人,叫的慢就是咬神,叫的断 断续续就是咬鬼。

There is also a saying in my hometown, called Dog Lai Fu, where there is a dog that came in and didn’t leave, there is a blessed home. It is said by the old people that dogs can understand human nature. The dog's barking at night may have various reasons. If its quick biting it’s to bite humans, slow to bite the God, and intermittent to bite a ghost.


Anyway, dogs are man's most faithful friends. Dog owners have the same love for dogs, as the dogs have loyalty to humans.


Mutt dogs guard the yard or the crop fields every day, so some people tenderly call them Chinese farm dogs.


When I left the country, I gave Rhubarb to my neighbor.


More than 40 years have passed and Rhubarb has already left the world.


In a short moment, I have gone from being a teenager to being a father and then a grandfather. Now I am living in Hengyang city, renting a two-bedroom apartment which isn't big enough for a family, so there is definitely no room for a dog.


If one day I can't walk, I can still have a mutt dog in the countryside if I go back to my hometown. The mountains there are very high, the land is very spacious, there are streams and rivers. Whatever the mutt dogs would do, I will not be afraid of them having no shelter.



Axe,  published: Prose poetry collection "Waiting for you" , Hunan Literature and Art Publishing House; Prose poetry collection "Principal in debt",  The Hong Kong commercial press (HKPC); A short and medium story collection, "The extinct edition of love between Swan under the Moon and Zhu Tang", United publishing house; A short and medium story collection, "Invisible bodyguard", United publishing house; A short and medium story collection, "The first marriage of brother Qian," and published by the China Federation of Literary Unions ...

Hi there! I’m Michael. Big fan of China, its culture and cuisine. Made a choice in 2017 to pack my things and come here from Europe. I love traveling, jogging and listening to music. 



