

作者: Mandy_梓彤 | 来源:发表于2018-11-07 10:15 被阅读0次

passport  n.

释义:a thing that ensures admission to or the achievement of something   

例句:Exellent English is a passport to many dream jobs in China.   


例① 在很多非洲国家,要想摆脱贫穷过上更好的生活,一些年轻人会选择足球   

For some African young people, football is a passport/ticket/the key to a better life.(注意:一般用“a passport to”,“a ticket to”和“the key to”。)   

例② 在中国,很多家长和高中生将高考视作是成功人生的保障

Many parents and high school students regard China’s college entrance examination as a passport to a successful life.   

例③ 越来越少的年轻人将大城市户口看作是体面生活的必需

A decreasing number of young people consider an urban hukou to be a passport to a decent life.

例④ 最后,来看看《经济学人》中的一个例句。在讨论中国教育时,作者表达教育的重要性时就用到了passport:   

Chinese have long seen education as a passport to success, and it is not just the super-rich who have the aspiration or means to send their offspring abroad to attend university.

1. 翻译: 人才是任何城市通往繁荣的必备手段。

For any city, talent is a passport to prosperity.

2. 造句练习

场景: 生活在中国农村的人们把好的教育看做是过上更好生活的关键

造句: People from rural China regard good education as a passport to a better life.

场景: 现在,越来越多的女性认为经济独立是自由和幸福的关键。

造句: Nowadays, a increasing number of females consider financial independence to be a passport to real freedom and happiness.


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