Peak 8.17 读书笔记

Peak 8.17 读书笔记

作者: Eliot2017 | 来源:发表于2017-08-17 22:48 被阅读0次

一 words&expressions

1. —improvement, and when that improvement stops, it is natural to believe you’ve hit some sort of implacable limit.

implacable:describes (someone who has) strong opinions or feelings which are impossible to change 不饶人的;坚定的;无法改变的

造句:I have an implacable hatred for parsley.

2. This is their plateau.

plateau:a period during which the level of something does not change, especially after a period when it was increasing平稳时期,〔尤指增长后的〕稳定期:

•Inflation rates have reached a plateau.通货膨胀率已趋平稳。

造句:The crime rate reached a plateau in 2000.

3. Interestingly, studies have found that while athletes get acclimated to the particular type of pain associated with their sport, they do not get acclimated to pain in general.

acclimate:To accustom or become accustomed to a new environment or situation; adapt使适应

造句:The rice has been acclimated in this area.

4. By asking such a question, we can home in on the factors that might boost the motivation of our employees, children, students, and ourselves.

home in on:to direct your efforts or attention towards a particular fault or problem将注意力集中于〔某一缺陷或问题〕:

•He homed in on the one weak link in the argument.

二 summary &thoughts











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