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BEC剑桥英语高级 Test 4, Reading Part 4

BEC剑桥英语高级 Test 4, Reading Part 4

作者: Jeremy1999 | 来源:发表于2017-03-27 14:18 被阅读122次

    Chairman's Statement

    Two years ago we undertook to increase our sales and to at least maintain our earnings. We published this commitment in order to demonstrate our resolve to lead the business successfully through the demanding period following the expiry of patents which had given us the exclusive right to develop two of our major products.

    两年前我们承诺增加我们的销售,至少能维持我们的盈利. 我们公布了这一承诺,为了表明我们能在专利到期后成功的领导我们的业务,这些专利授予了我们开发两项主要产品的专有权。

    I am very pleased to ** report** that we achieved what we set **out ** to do. We have achieved increases of 4% and 6% in sales and earnings respectively . This comes despite considerable losses resulting the expiry of the patents. It is testimony to depth and vitality of our portfolio of medicines that we have been able to survive the largest single patent expiry our industry has known.


    I am confident that the continuation of this performance, together with the contribution of five new products currently being launched, will enable us to deliver the final part of our target, namely to achieve sales and earnings growth in double figures next year.

    伴随着5个新产品的上线的贡献,我对能公司能持续这样的表现非常自信, 这将使我们能完成我们目标的最后一部分,即取得销售和盈利在明年翻倍。

    Looking further ahead, I firmly believe that this company can continue to deliver strong, sustainable growth, enabling us to stay at the forefront of the research-based pharmaceutical industry.


    The power and pace of technological and scientific development, combined with economic and social pressures ,are forcing huge changes in our industry. The successful companies of the future will be those that anticipate and respond to this change, integrate new technologies effectively, and are closest to their customers. I have full confidence in our ability to remain a major player in our industry.


    force : If a situation or event force you to do something, it makes it necessary for you to do something that you would not otherwise have done.
    A back injury forced her to withdraw from Wimbledon

    impel When something such as an emotion **impels ** you to do something, it affects you so strongly that you feel forced to do it.

    • the courage and competitiveness which impels him to take risks*


    1. If you urge someone to do something, you try hard to persuade them to do it.
    2. If you urge someone somewhere, you make them go them by touching them or talking to them
    3. If you urge a course of action, you strongly advise that it should be taken.


    1. If you thrust something or someone somewhere, you push or move them there quickly with a lot of force. They thrust him into the back of a jeep
    2. If you thrust your way somewhere, you move there, pushing between people or things which are in your way. She thrust her way into crowd
    3. If something thrusts up/out of something else, it sticks up or sticks out in a noticeable way. A aerial thrust up form the glass verge . A ray of sunlight thrust out through the clouds



        本文标题:BEC剑桥英语高级 Test 4, Reading Part 4
