一. 运行环境-配置Python/脚本/终端环境
PyCharm / Python3.9 / Open-CV
PyCharm / Python3.9 的配置不再详细讲解,你可以参考我之前的专栏文章.
pip3 install opencv-python
解决找不到CV2 Module的问题:
用Pycharm运行后出现“No module named 'cv2'”错误的终极解决方案blog.csdn.net/lhw19931201/article/details/86545964
Likey@Laptop pythonProject % python3 ./occlusionCard.py "你的图片路径"
二. 脚本内容 - 如下脚本生成多个Occlusion图片至图床(使用了PicGo)并返回多个图片链接
OpenCV-Occlusion 脚本提供如下,具体操作步骤为: 1.截图后对要制卡区绘制矩形遮挡并保存(注意保证矩形区透明度75%以上,而且能看到遮挡处的内容), 2.直接执行上面那条脚本:(如下代码区也有使用方法的说明) 3.如果遮挡生成的图片不对请酌情调整contourAreaValue参数
#!/usr/bin/python3# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-import numpy as npimport cv2 as cvimport osimport sysimport requestsimport jsonfrom pprint import pprint################################## 实现(opencv)批量生成挖空卡片,调用picGo上传并返回链接# 作者:一只小胖子# 版本:V0.1# 知乎:https://www.zhihu.com/people/lxf-8868# 使用方法:# 1.使用snipaste截图,并用矩形工具描出实心遮挡区(注意:透明度为75%以上)# 2.运行python3 occlusionCard.py "你的图片路径(包括后缀名)"# 设置轮廓面积值,按效果自己调整,一般是1500-4000之间contourAreaValue = 2500################################## 设置putText函数字体font = cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX# 计算两边夹角额cos值def angle_cos(p0, p1, p2): d1, d2 = (p0 - p1).astype('float'), (p2 - p1).astype('float') return abs(np.dot(d1, d2) / np.sqrt(np.dot(d1, d1) * np.dot(d2, d2)))# 合并图片def merge_img(image1, image2): h1, w1, c1 = image1.shape h2, w2, c2 = image2.shape if c1 != c2: print("channels NOT match, cannot merge") return else: if w1 > w2: tmp = np.zeros([h2, w1 - w2, c1]) image3 = np.hstack([image2, tmp]) image3 = np.vstack([image1, image3]) elif w1 == w2: image3 = np.hstack([image1, image2]) else: tmp = np.zeros([h1, w2 - w1, c2]) image3 = np.hstack([image1, tmp]) image3 = np.vstack([image3, image2]) return image3# 查找矩形轮廓def find_squares(filepath, flag): img = cv.imread(filepath) # 读取图片对象 gray = cv.cvtColor(img, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) gray = cv.GaussianBlur(gray, (3, 3), 1) # 1 ret, th1 = cv.threshold(gray, 128, 255, 0) # cv.THRESH_OTSU) # 0,255,cv.THRESH_BINARY | cv.THRESH_OTSU 127, 255,0 # 开闭运算去除噪点 kernel = cv.getStructuringElement(cv.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (3, 3)) th1 = cv.morphologyEx(th1, cv.MORPH_OPEN, kernel) th1 = cv.morphologyEx(th1, cv.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel) binary = cv.Canny(th1, 50, 100) contours, _hierarchy = cv.findContours(binary, cv.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) # cv.RETR_EXTERNAL cv.RETR_TREE print("轮廓数量:%d" % len(contours)) # 轮廓遍历 roi_list = [] contours_2 = [] for cnt in contours: # cnt_len = cv.arcLength(cnt, True) # 计算轮廓周长 # cnt = cv.approxPolyDP(cnt, 0.02 * cnt_len, True) # 多边形逼近 # # 条件判断逼近边的数量是否为4,轮廓面积是否大于1000,检测轮廓是否为凸的 # if cv.contourArea(cnt) > 4000 and cv.isContourConvex(cnt): if cv.contourArea(cnt) > contourAreaValue: # 获取外接矩形的值 x, y, w, h = cv.boundingRect(cnt) roi_list.append((x, y, w, h, cnt)) contours_2.append({"h": h, "cnt": cnt}) print("发现挖空[" + str(len(roi_list)) + "]处, contours数为[" + str(len(contours_2)) + "]") squares_len = len(roi_list) filenameAtr = filepath.rsplit("/") for roi_idx in range(len(roi_list)): index = 0 if flag == 1: # 正面 (将回答问题为红色遮挡,已回答的显示答案,其它为蓝色遮挡) img = cv.imread(filepath) for roi_list_ in roi_list: (x, y, w, h, cnt_obj) = roi_list_ M = cv.moments(cnt_obj) # 计算轮廓的矩 cx = int(M['m10'] / M['m00']) cy = int(M['m01'] / M['m00'] + h * 0.5 + 20) # 轮廓重心下移0.5倍高度 cv.putText(img, ("#%d" % index), (cx, cy), font, 0.8, (0, 128, 0), 2, cv.LINE_AA) # 抗锯齿 cv.drawContours(img, contours, 0, (255, 0, 255), 2) if index < roi_idx: index = index + 1 continue elif index == roi_idx: idx_red_col = (0, 0, 255) # 红色 else: idx_red_col = (255, 0, 0) # 蓝色 cv.rectangle(img, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), idx_red_col, -1) # -1 2 -1为填充 index = index + 1 cv_filename = filenameAtr[0] + str(roi_idx) + "_A_" + filenameAtr[-1] print(cv_filename) # cv.imshow(cv_filename, img) cv.imwrite(cv_filename, img) elif flag == 0: # 反面 img2 = cv.imread(filepath) for roi_list_ in roi_list: (x, y, w, h, cnt_obj) = roi_list_ M = cv.moments(cnt_obj) # 计算轮廓的矩 cx = int(M['m10'] / M['m00']) cy = int(M['m01'] / M['m00'] + h * 0.5 + 20) # 轮廓重心下移0.5倍高度 cv.putText(img2, ("#%d" % index), (cx, cy), font, 0.8, (0, 128, 0), 2, cv.LINE_AA) # 抗锯齿 cv.drawContours(img2, contours, 0, (255, 0, 255), 2) if index <= roi_idx: # 已回答和正要回答的显示答案 index = index + 1 continue else: idx_red_col = (255, 0, 0) # 蓝色 cv.rectangle(img2, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), idx_red_col, -1) # -1 2 -1为填充 index = index + 1 cv_filename = filenameAtr[0] + str(roi_idx) + "_B_" + filenameAtr[-1] print(cv_filename) # cv.imshow(cv_filename, img2) cv.imwrite(cv_filename, img2) # cnt_len = cv.arcLength(cnt, True) # 计算轮廓周长 # cnt = cv.approxPolyDP(cnt, 0.02 * cnt_len, True) # 多边形逼近 # # 条件判断逼近边的数量是否为4,轮廓面积是否大于1000,检测轮廓是否为凸的 # if len(cnt) == 4 and cv.contourArea(cnt) > 1000 and cv.isContourConvex(cnt): # M = cv.moments(cnt) # 计算轮廓的矩 # cx = int(M['m10'] / M['m00']) # cy = int(M['m01'] / M['m00']) # 轮廓重心 # # cnt = cnt.reshape(-1, 2) # max_cos = np.max([angle_cos(cnt[i], cnt[(i + 1) % 4], cnt[(i + 2) % 4]) for i in range(4)]) # # 只检测矩形(cos90° = 0) # if max_cos < 0.1: # # True # # 检测四边形(不限定角度范围) # # if True: # # if True: # index = index + 1 # cv.putText(img, ("#%d" % index), (cx, cy), font, 0.7, (255, 0, 255), 2) # squares.append(cnt) return squares_len# 逻辑执行入口def main(img_file_path): file_dir_path = os.path.dirname(img_file_path) + "/" file_img_name = os.path.basename(img_file_path) file_upload_list = [] # 待上传的图片列表 print("1.开始生成正面图像") squares_len = find_squares(img_file_path, 1) print("2.开始生成反面图像") squares_len = find_squares(img_file_path, 0) print("3.开始合成生成的图象") for file_obj_idx in range(squares_len): # print("{}{}{}{}".format(file_dir_path, file_obj_idx, "_A_", file_img_name)) # print("{}{}{}{}".format(file_dir_path, file_obj_idx, "_B_", file_img_name)) view1 = cv.imread("{}{}{}{}".format(file_dir_path, file_obj_idx, "_A_", file_img_name)) view2 = cv.imread("{}{}{}{}".format(file_dir_path, file_obj_idx, "_B_", file_img_name)) # 迭加图片模式 # cv.addWeighted(view1, alpha, src2, beta, gamma, dst=None, dtype=None) # alpha/beta 对应两张图片的透明度, 0是完全透明 1是完全不透明 # overlapping = cv.addWeighted(view1, 0.8, view2, 0.2, 0) # 合并的文件名 file_out_name = "{}{}_QA_{}".format(file_dir_path, file_obj_idx, file_img_name) print(file_out_name) # 只上传合并后的QA图片 file_upload_list.append(file_out_name) # 水平或垂直合并图片 view3 = merge_img(view1, view2) # cv.imshow('view3', view3) cv.imwrite(file_out_name, view3) # # Exit if ESC pressed # # cv.waitKey() k = cv.waitKey(100) & 0xff # 100ms if k == 27: cv.destroyAllWindows() # exit() # 获取图片存储目录待上传图片 print(' 图片处理生成至: {} 结束!'.format(file_dir_path)) print("开始上传图片,请确保你已提前配置好picGo上传环境...") # # 获取传入路径下的: 当前目录, 子目录列表, 文件列表 # for f_path, dir_names, f_names in os.walk(file_dir_path): # # 正常的图片文件,关键字查询过滤文件名 # f_names = [f_name for f_name in f_names if not f_name.startswith(".") and f_name.__contains__(".jpg") # and os.path.isfile(f_name) and str(f_name).__contains__("#")] # # 得到全路径信息 # f_names = [os.path.join(f_path, f_name) for f_name in f_names] # break # 只处理根目录文件 print("待处理上传图片列表: {}".format(file_upload_list)) url = "" payload = json.dumps({ "list": file_upload_list }) headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload) print("PicGo上传返回结果:") print(response) obj_json_list = json.loads(response.text) pprint(obj_json_list) # 获取图片的URL链接 if "result" in obj_json_list.keys(): url_for_sm18 = [] # 格式化成SuperMemo网页样式 for url_ in obj_json_list["result"]: url_str = "{} <img src="{}"/> <hr> ".format(file_img_name, url_) url_for_sm18.append(url_str) print("上传成功,返回SuperMemo样式:") # $fileName <img src="$url"/> <hr> print(" ".join(url_for_sm18)) else: print("上传失败,请检查是否重复上传!")# ------------开始调用方法-------------# 通过终端传参调用img_path = str(sys.argv[1])print("开始处理传入的图片:{}".format(img_path))main(img_file_path=img_path)# pycharm直接运行# if __name__ == '__main__':# # print(__doc__)# img_path = "/Users/Likey/PycharmProjects/pythonProject/pic/33.jpg"# main(img_path)
三. Occlusion图片批量上传服务器并返回链接(这一步可以用上面第二步的代码替换了....)
# 多图的自定义返回链接 QA_2_444 <img src="https://gitee.com/lxf-8868/picgo_repo1/raw/master/img/QA_2_444.jpg"/> <hr> QA_1_444 <img src="https://gitee.com/lxf-8868/picgo_repo1/raw/master/img/QA_1_444.jpg"/> <hr> QA_6_444 <img src="https://gitee.com/lxf-8868/picgo_repo1/raw/master/img/QA_6_444.jpg"/> <hr> QA_7_444 <img src="https://gitee.com/lxf-8868/picgo_repo1/raw/master/img/QA_7_444.jpg"/> <hr> 20210228124446 <img src="https://gitee.com/lxf-8868/picgo_repo1/raw/master/img/20210228124446.png"/> <hr>
四. 按以上方式通过代码或者手工获取到多个链接后,我们就可以直接在SuperMemo中处理了.
一只小胖子:SuperMemo实践闭环(4)-交互式处理网页材料2 赞同 · 2 评论文章