Rockets 炸弹!

Rockets 炸弹!

作者: Harry哈利 | 来源:发表于2019-10-21 18:56 被阅读0次

    最近几个月来,我一直沉迷于火箭和烟火。 今天,我想与您分享一些想法,以及通过火箭和烟火技术进行的实验。

    首先,我想谈谈我是如何进入火箭和烟火技术的。 一切始于了解太空发射并观看迪斯尼烟花表演。 我在网上查看了SpaceX火箭Falcon 9的发射过程,并惊讶于它如何能够如此之大地降落并以如此之大的力推开,以逃避重力的拉动。 部分原因是由于我对物理学感兴趣,所以我发现它是如此迷人。  2016年,我观看了迪斯尼世界烟花汇演,当11岁的孩子们如何将爆炸与正在播放的音乐完美同步时,我感到非常惊奇。 这两个因素极大地鼓舞了我继续研究火箭和烟火技术。

    我旅程的开始始于简单的测试。 好吧,思想实验。 我想象了一次简单的氢气爆炸,并考虑了所有变量,并使用科学理论,试图找出是否有任何问题。 最后,我决定尝试一下实验,发现很多事情并没有想到。 实验的轮廓如下:将醋倒入烧瓶中,用气球将顶部密封,然后将铝箔球滴入酸中。 几分钟后,化学反应将开始发生,金属将开始从酸中分离出氢原子并将其形成气体。 气体将逸出并上升并充满连接在烧瓶顶部的气球。

    实验失败了,所以我很困惑。 我能够成功制造氢气,但爆炸的声音和外观并不清楚且清晰。 经过深思熟虑,我得出的结论是气态分子不够纯净,必须过滤以确保分离出纯净氢气。 所以我继续思考,并停止了一段时间的实验。 最近,我回到了上面,重新设计了实验,以便氢气进入管子,并与装满纯净水的瓶子底部相连。 气体会通过水上升到顶部,从而过滤掉任何可能影响效果的颗粒。 我成功了,当我点亮它时发出了流行声。

    这是我进行火箭和烟火技术之旅的开始。 现在谈论未来以及我的计划。 目前,我要在两周内进行考试,而且我正在努力学习。 但是考试后,我将有一些空闲时间来做一些DIY火药的实验。 众所周知,火药是唐代在中国制造的一种混合物,对热和剧烈燃烧具有极强的反应性。 我计划制作一个自制的鞭炮作为我的第一个测试,并观察火药的燃烧时间和烟雾的产生。 我未来的第二个计划是加入新西兰火箭协会。 您可以在那里合法地测试和观看火箭的发射,并了解其背后的物理和化学性质。 我真的很兴奋,希望这种技能和兴趣能够支持我未来的职业生涯; 火箭科学家。

    Recently over the past few months, I've been obsessed with rockets and pyrotechnics. Today I wanted to share with you some of my thoughts and though experiments with rockets and pyrotechnics.

    Firstly I would like to talk about how I got into rockets and pyrotechnics. It all started with learning about the space launch and watching the Disney firework show. I viewed online the launch of SpaceX's rocket, Falcon 9, and was amazed at how it could reland and push off with so much force to escape gravity's pull. Partly because of my interest in physics I found that so fascinating. In 2016, I watched the Disney world firework display and was utterly amazed as an 11-year-old how they were able to perfectly sync the explosions with the music they were playing. These two single factors largely inspired me to pursue the study of rockets and pyrotechnics.

    The beginning of my journey started with simple tests. Well, thought experiments. I pictured a simple hydrogen gas explosion and thought of all the variables and using scientific theory, tried to figure out if anything was going to go wrong. In the end, I decided to try out my experiment and discovered that many things didn't go as thought. The outline of the experiment went like this: Pouring vinegar into a flask, I sealed the top with a balloon and dropped an aluminium foil ball into the acid. Minutes later, the chemical reaction would begin to occur and the metal would start to separate the hydrogen atom from the acid and form it into a gas. The gas would escape and rise and fill the balloon attached to the top of the flask.

    The experiment failed and so I was very confused. I was able to successfully make hydrogen gas, but the explosion wasn't clear and crisp sounding and looking. With much deliberation, I concluded that the gaseous molecule wasn't pure enough and has to be filtered to ensure pure hydrogen gas would be separated. So I continued to think and stopped experimenting for a while. Recently I came back to it and redesigned the experiment so that the hydrogen gas would enter a tube where it would connect to the bottom of a bottle filled with pure water. The gas would rise to the top, through the water and thus filtering any particles that could potentially hinder the effect. I was successful and made a pop sound when I lit it up.

    This was the beginning of my journey to rockets and pyrotechnics. Now to talking about the future and what I'm planning. Currently, I have exams going on in two weeks and I'm studying hard. But after exams, I'll have some free time to do some experiments with DIY gunpowder. As many will know, gunpowder was a mixture created in China in the Tang Dynasty and is extremely reactive to heat and burns vigorously. I plan to build a homemade firecracker as my first test and observe the burn times and smoke production of gunpowder. My second plan for the future is to join the New Zealand Rocketry Association. There you can legally test and watch rocket launches and learn about the physics and chemistry behind it. I'm really excited and hope this skill and interest could support my potential future career; a rocket scientist.



          本文标题:Rockets 炸弹!
