20190113深度复盘-郭伟老师How to win tabl

20190113深度复盘-郭伟老师How to win tabl

作者: 小麦Mike | 来源:发表于2019-01-19 21:53 被阅读0次

[if !supportLists]1.      [endif]【Interaction】:开场Opening:scenarize metaphor (场景化比喻及互动)

treat fellowtoastmasters ,iced food or come to the farm to pick up the fresh food and cook ,ask the audience and choose the second one。【message】table topic just like the fresh and organic food

[if !supportLists]2.      [endif]【give examples】Haimingwei famous writer to demonstrate thinking fast

[if !supportLists]3.      [endif]【Interaction】:everyone stand up give a answer to how to win Table topic speechand sit down .

Then we have the answers :practice ,yourown story ,give examples ,humorous ,brave ,interaction

[if !supportLists]4.      [endif]【own story and 当时情况通过表演复现】郭伟老师18years ago join toastmasters in 圣地亚哥 California ,beacause the TM encourage him and said believing him

will do better , 郭伟老师引出【message】:the foundationof winning the table topic speech is believing .the power of believing , believe each other ,no doubt about it, support each other,并且现挂到club officers)

[if !supportLists]5.      [endif]【useful tools干货】REO法则:

R:repeat or rephrase 目的是buy the time to think,or change the question in a different direction

【Interaction:现场观众临时提问】“what do you think of Qingdao ”

【example 1】Your question is what do you think of Qingdao, this question is very good ,why ,because when you asking this question ,you want know my feeling ,you caring about me ,it

shows that you a kind person …..【message】:we even do not need to answers the question ,we can just talk aboutthe question for 2minutes

【example 2】when you boss ask you :why your sales is so bad this month ,rephrase : boss ,your question is about myself,is in what way I can improve myselves 【message】: you cannotrepeat this question” boss your question is :why myself is so bad” , it will enhancethe negative information .

【Interaction1】every one findsa partner ,and practice REO,

【Interaction2】郭伟老师ask thequestion ,please rise your hand ,if you consider your partner is perform well .thenask again ,answer again (Jane is a role model )

【Interaction3】how to run a toastmasters club well? 郭伟老师give a example

of an excellent club , we change a lifestyle through improving communication

and leadership skills ,otherwise to practice communication and leadership skills

on purpose【message】increase life style ,increase the quality of club

E:evidence 【resource】your story, statistics, quotation, news…..



1. how to a better leader in toastmasters?

develop myself, come to my sailing becauseI only care about myself,

the audience does not care how much you

know ,until they know,how much you care

2.the most valuable things in toastmasters


【impressive 1】Apple video郭伟老师speech –thanks a lot !

【impressive 2】when finding a

partner ,Apple invite 郭伟老师-brave !

【impressive 3】郭伟老师:

1.the best wayto help yourself is to help others

2.the best wayto get whatever you want is to help others get what they want

【something else】

[if !supportLists]1、  [endif]diplomat good at rephrasing question

[if !supportLists]2、  [endif]do not show your opinion firstly,in case other people do not agree with you ,if you do it ,maybe theywill not listen to your evidence carefully



      本文标题:20190113深度复盘-郭伟老师How to win tabl
