There are many different cycles in nature, such as the cycle of seasons.
A cycle is a series of events that repeat, such as the daily cycle of light and dark.
The time it takes for a cycle to repeat itself is its recycle.
To evolve (进化)means to change or improve over a period of time.
Life forms evolve because they have to adapt in order to survive.
A force of attraction brings two objects closer together, such as the force of gravity.
A force of repulsion (排斥力)pushes two objects away from each other, such as the force between two electrons.
Gravity is a force of attraction between two objects with mass.
To transform means to change from one form into another.
A transformation occurs when an object takes on a new appearance or structure.
Over a period of time, the process of evolution can transform the appearance of a species of life.
To inherit (继承)something means to get ti without having to ask or work for it.
A child from a very rich family may inherit a lot of money.
Eye and hair color are inherited traits.